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it 10 Cn play te gitar单元练习 Class Nam Marks 一、语音找出划线部分发音不同于其他三个的选项(5分)( )1.A. ing . sm C. kid D violi( )2. ummer B. muiian C. dru D. trumpet( ). Suda B. onda . ay Tuesday( )4.A. roc . ano C.job join( )5A. peak . read sweaer .chp二、根据句子内容填空,首字母已给出(8分)M sisterwats to be a _(musi).2.Peaec_me a678202X.3.Pleae ememer m a_.Next ime youcn fin m hus esl4.Decembr is th _(twelve )monh o the ea.5The J_ cme fro apan.If owanto j ithe artclub,please tal Zhng Hongfomore information(更多的信息).7hey ansm well.heyre good s _.Tey ofte hel us wths_.三、英汉互译(20分)1.弹吉他_ 2.拉小提琴_3.下棋_ 4.加入音乐俱乐部_5.你的姓_ 6电子邮件地址_7. shool micestval _ 8.speakChinese _.pla tedrus _ 0.ur rc an 四、单项选择(1分)( )1-They wan_yo _yo nglish.hank. A. help, on . tohl, wth C.toel ,on D. el,ith( )2.Whtare the talking_ -I ant sure. Beaus th aretalking_Egi, I kno Englishltle .A. t, with .o, i C.ith, abot Dbut, ( )3.Thn _you cnbei our school concert. A. yeB.abeC ma D. ( )4._clb ca yo join .WhatB. Where C We D. Why( ).ysisteran_. A. sig . sings C. t ing D. singing ( )6:canplaythe pio_. B: Bt I can doi oly _A. o, aite B.ood,muh C.wll, a litte . well, much( ).Ce ad oin _ A. w or C us D. i us( ). Icn se_f inourteenand_ui un. A. the ,the Ba,an C. a, a D./, /( )Cn youpy te guita No, _ ts notesto o s.Am nt B. ant C. dont .is n( )10.-Canyou _it i nglish I am sor. canony _a litle Englsh.A. eak;y spak; te . say; seak D. sa; tak( )1- i. om. ca play _pnoht aou y -Icanply _basktball.A.; / . the ; t . the;/ D./;te( ).hey help thei ied_mth. A.in B on C.with D. a四、句型转换(1分)1.I nwim.(改成否定句) _swm.2hey can plate gutar.(就划线部分提问) _ _th_3.Amy wts toji n the art lu.(就划线部分提问) _Aywant to join n4. Jane can do insKunF.(就划线部分提问) _ _ ane_?五、会话配对(20分) ()1. Hoca Icontat(联系)you A. No, heyaret. ( )2. hank yo verymch. . Itsexciig.( )3. ha ludo yu wat tin n C e, sheis .( )4. Wer a y nens D.Ica.( )5Whe s yur ohersithda .Thsimming lu.( )6.Cohelpme wiy th .Yur welcome( )7Who canpa h rumpet . Mypoeubr is 58-35.( )8.h d you le ctinmos H Its Jun 1t.()9Ar these your new porthes I.ur.()10.I Jennifr yo besfriend J.hy oyou bd.七、阅读下表,选择正确答案(10分)JackKateTaSimnI cantsn and Icat ance. But can ply he ioli and the piano.I can dance bu I cantsin. I can playthe ums ut cant ply th violinI ctdne butI cn sng. I anpl te ilin anth iano.I ca sng nd anc. I c play the ume and th gtar.( )1._ansing,play te voln an iao. A. Kae .Jack C.Tina D.Sn( )2._can dance an pl he ms.A. Kate B.Jck C. in Don ( )3_can la thviol anhe pian A.ak andKat B. Kaead Tn C. Ja a Tin D.Ta and Son( )4.Simon ando_ thi. A. one tw C four D. ive( )5._can singand pay some instruments(乐器). A. ina . at C Smon and na D.Simn八、少年宫的艺术团正在招聘演员,假如你是李丽,想参加这个艺术团,请你根据表格中的内容,发一封电子邮件,介绍一下你个人的情况,兴趣、爱好及能力等(15分)NAecooieCanLi i1No.5MidleScolsnng adig, Englhan courpian, guiarDer Sir,I wa to jin h Youth Music Club. My nae is
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