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新概念英语第一册语音、语法、情景对话及习题新概念英语第一册:UNIT 13语音、语法、情景对话及习题UNIT ONEI.语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)i: bee / tea / pea / key / see / threei big / city / with / family / happy / littlee bed / beg / red / men / never / very bad / bag / dad / man / back / catI often see that man in the street.He has a very happy family.A man is sitting on the desk.You see the green leaves on the tree.Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag.II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS) a bad apple Big Apple a fat cat a hot potato A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A friend in need is a friend indeed. God helps those who help themselves.III.地道情景表达 (SITUATIONAL EXPRESSIONS)问候(GREETINGS) Hi! / Hello! / Hullo! / How do you do? (Good) morning / afternoon / evening! How are you? / How are you going? / How are you all keeping? Fine / Well. Thank you. And you? / What about you? / How about you? Not too bad! / Pretty good! / Couldnt be better! / Just so-so. / Im just my old self! Nice / Glad / Pleased to see / meet you! Nice to see you, too. / Same here! Its my pleasure / honor to see you! Havent seen you for ages / for a long time. Long time no see.UNIT TWOI.语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)D: work / girl / nurse / first / dirty / birdD around / oclock / driver / arrive / forget / famousK nut / country / color / must / under / motherI love my country.Another fly-over will be built across that street.You fall in love with my sister!Its fun to run and jump in the sun.The first person in a clean shirt works in my firm.Her younger brothers daughter was a driver.II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS) loseones shirt keep ones shirt on eat like a bird a small potato The early bird catches the worm. Kill two birds with one stone. Two heads are better than one.III.地道情景表达 (SITUATIONAL EXPRESSIONS)道别 SAYING GOODBYE See you (soon / later / next time / .) Good night. / Goodbye. / Bye-bye. Its nice to see you. How time flies! I have to be going now. I must go off / be off / be leaving. I suppose Id better go. Im really enjoying meeting you. Its a pleasure to be with you here, but . I cant believe that time has e to say goodbye to you. Thank you for all youve done for me. Lets keep in touch. / Dont forget to drop me a line. All the best to you. / Remember meto you . We must get together again soon.UNIT THREEI.语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)p pea / pat / pair / pet / help / hopeb bee / bat / bear / bet / lab / buyt tie / tear / let / tall / fat / thatd die / dear / lead / bad / glad / downk pick / back / mark / cook / lake / kindE pig / bag / give / goat / beg / girlIt makes me sick to think of it.The cook is baking a cake.Please pass Peters parents two pieces of paper.Do as I did, or youll do what shouldnt be done.A good girl is going to her grandma for some good apples.II.经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS) during the dog days get ones goat black and blue as busy as a bee a green hand rob Peter to pay Paul Every dog has his / its day.语法小练习: Fill in blanks with a / an.1. Stella is _ student, and she studies in _ university. She is _ American.2. How many days are there in _ year? How many minutes are there in _ hour?3. Our teacher is talking with _ old man from _ France.4. There is _ oil painting on the wall. Fill in blanks with is / am / are / my / your / her / his1. I _ a new student. _ name _ Alice. I _ French.2. What nationality _ you? I am _ American. My brother _ a teacher. _ name is Mr. King. My aunt _ an actress. _ name _ Stella.3. Sue _ my sister. She _ a nurse. She likes _ job.翻译小练习:1. Is that mechanic hardworking(勤劳的)? Yes, he is.2. What does the young girl do? She is a housewife.3. She doesnt work hard. She is very lazy.4. What nationality are you? Im Spanish.5. What colour are your new cases? Brown.新概念英语第一册:UNIT 79语音、语法、情景对话及习题UNIT SEVENI.语音强化训练 (PRONUNCIATION)f five / life / face / fish / fame / fatev very / visit / every / vote / victory / overs say / sorry / first / advice / student / schoolz zero / zip / zoo /L think / mouth / thin / tooth / thief / clothM this / those / there / than / them / clothesFive fellows ate five fish on February the first.Britt visits the small village every weekend.The parking zone is near the zoo.A sleeping baby was sleeping in the sleeping car.Alice left her mother and father and went to her brothers.II.地道情景表达 (SITUATIONALEXPRESSIONS) 实用句式 Telephone conversation: Hello, is that . (speaking)? / Here is . (speaking). Is . there? This is . (speaking). Whos that? May I know who is c
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