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摘要直流牵引供电系统仿真计算专业:电气工程及其自动化 学号:20080210010526 学生姓名:陆学文 指导教师:陈剑云 摘要 在城市轨道交通蓬勃发展的今天,人们对城市轨道交通的安全与稳定提出了更高的要求。直流牵引供电系统是城市轨道交通的重要组成部分,供电的安全与可靠是城市轨道交通系统正常运行的保证。城市轨道交通短路故障的分析计算与仿真是提高牵引供电系统安全运行能力及相关保护与控制技术的基础。首先,本文对牵引变电所、牵引网、直流保护系统这三大部分的组成与结构进行了分析;根据城市轨道交通的特点对牵引变压器和牵引网的参数进行了分析计算,并建立了单边供电和双边供电方式下的等效电路模型,给出了不同供电方式下的稳态电流计算公式和计算实例。其次,本文对不同短路故障作了仿真分析。本文利用Matlab/Simulink工具对当前城市轨道交通直流供电系统广泛采用的12脉波、24脉波直流供电系统进行建模与仿真,通过仿真分析比较了12/24脉整流机组在空载、负载时候的谐波含量,24脉波整流机组比12脉波整流机组呈现出更好抑制11、13次谐波的性能。在所建立模型的基础上,对采用DC1500V接触线供电的地铁线路进行了不同点发生短路故障的仿真与分析。由于当线路发生短路故障时不是一座变电所供给短电流,而是由全线相连的变电所供给短路电流。为更精确反应短路电流状况,本文建立了考虑四座变电所供电的双边供电模型,并对不同点短路故障进行仿真分析,得出了近端短路与远端短路时的短路电流变化规律。参数计算、建模等的精确程度,都会对仿真得出的短路电流的上升率和幅值产生很大的影响。为更好的掌握短路电流的变化状况,文章仿真了直流侧参数对短路电流的影响,为直流保护整定值的调整提供理论依据。最后文章结合地铁的实际运行情况,对采用直线牵引电机的地铁机车启动的暂态电流和电机冲击电流加以仿真分析,结合给出的大电流脱扣保护与di/dt+I保护这两种主保护的整定原则,对大电流脱扣保护与di/dt+I保护参数予以整定计算,并对部分保护的配合使用作了分析。关键词:直流供电系统;地铁;24脉波整流;短路故障仿真;直流保护;电流上升率;电流增量DC traction power supply system simulationAbstract In the development of urban rail transit to flourish today, a higher demand for security and stability of the urban rail transport.The DC traction power supply system is an important part of the urban rail transport, the safety and reliability of supply to the normal operation of the guarantee of urban rail transit system.Analysis and Calculation of Shortcircuit fault for urban rail transit was used to improve the ability of safe peration of traction power supply system and was the basis for protection and control technology. First,In this paper, traction substations, Traction Network, DC protection system, the three most composition and structure was analyzed; analyzed and calculated according to the characteristics of urban rail transit traction transformers and traction network parameters, and the establishment of a unilateral forequivalent circuit model in the electricity and bilateral power supply, given the formula and an example of the steady-state current in the power supply. Secondly, this article were made by the different short-circuit fault simulation.In this paper, the Matlab / Simulink tool widely used in urban rail transit DC power supply system 12 pulse, 24 pulse DC power supply system modeling and simulation,Subway DC traction substation 12/24 pulse rectifier unit simulation model, and analysis the harmonic content of the 12/24 pulse rectifier unit load,and obtained 24 pulse rectifier unit 12 pulserectifier unit 11, 13 times harmonic suppression better.On the basis of the model, DC1500V contact wire-powered subway line under different fault short-circuit fault simulation was analyzed. As not a substation supply line short-circuit fault current, but across the board is connected to the substation supply short-circuit current. More accurately reflect the short-circuit current conditions this paper consider four bilateral electricity substation supply model, and analysis the difference between short-circuit fault simulation variation proximal short circuit and remote short-circuit short-circuit current.degree of precision parameter calculation, modeling, will have a huge impact on rate of rise and amplitude short-circuit current drawn simulation. To better grasp the changes short-circuit current conditions, the article simulation parameters DC-side short-circuit current. Finally, this paper combined with the actual operation subway, the subway locomotive using straight-line traction motor start the fault reclesing transient current to simulation analysis, combined with given current trip protection and di/dt+I protect the two majorprotection setting principles for the current trip protection and di /dt + I protection parameters be setting calculation, with the use and protection were analyzed.Keywords: DC traction power supply system; subway; 24 Pulsereetifier; Short-circuit fault simulation; DC protection; Current rising rate protection; Current incremental protectionI目录目录第1章 绪 论61.1 课题研究的背景及意义61.2 课题研究现状61.3 本文主要研究内容7第2章 直流牵引供电系统92.1牵引变电所102.1.1 6脉波整流电路102.1.2 12脉波整流电路102.1.3 24脉波整流电路112.1.4 直流牵引供电系统谐波分析112.2牵引网122.3直流供电保护系统132.4 本章小结13第3章 直流短路计算143.1直流短路介绍143.2参数计算143.2.1牵引变电所143.2.2牵引网阻抗153.3短路电流计算163.3.1短路稳态电流163.3.2短路暂态电流233.4 本章小结23第4章 直流短路故障仿真模型244.1 12脉波牵引整流供电电路仿真模型244.1.1 12脉波整流电路仿真模型244.1.2 6脉波整流电路空载分析244.1.3 12脉波整流电路空载分析254.2 24脉波牵引整流供电电路仿真模型274.2.1 24脉波整流电路仿真模型274.2.2 24脉波整流电路空载分析284.3 12/24脉波整流供电电路带负载仿真比较294.4 24脉波牵引供电整流电路短路故障仿真314.4.1 不同点短路故障仿真324.4.2 多座变电站影响的短路故障仿真模型344.5 直流侧参数对短路电流的影响374.6 短路故障冲击电流仿真394.7 机车启动仿真414.7.1 机车启动电路模型414.7.2 机车启动仿真模型414.8 本章小结43第5章 直流牵引供电系统保护445.1 地铁牵引供电系统保护概述445.2 大电流脱扣保护445.2.1 大电流脱扣保护原理445.2.2 大电流脱扣保护整定原则455.3 di/dt+I保护455.3.1 di/dt+I保护原理455.3.2 di/dt+I保护的整定计算475.4. 其他保护介绍485.4.1 低电压保护485.4.2 定时限过流保护。485.4.3 直流双边联跳保护。48
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