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精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_大学生关于英语演讲稿 大学生关于英语演讲稿1 Go aferon, adi nd getan! Firs I wn to ay istha m ery rod of to b ivitdt to prenty opihee, wch i“ Iternet Cilizaon”Bfoe I begny ic, s llow eto as you ustion: Eery ime yo cikthe muse to sf thewb,do yu know ha does imea On te net, you cnmake ind overssad call them it I phones; yu can gt nomation fomall over the world;ou avegiv a and tosome people in rubles and gthlp wnin eed.Hover, ehav to admttat ternt also leas t intimc befre acqintnce; i scatters screts outwards,notnwards;and, mot worryng ofall, it isavehice fr liars. erwe hould e, there it ooavl, riht and wrong n the w.As netizens, wed btter gow treliz te imortance o Ierne ivilization. Jut as h famous sayinggoes“Long andsteep isthe aht itue.” Many oleadvcte hat weshoul be sncere, honesta respble ior oietyt re world. Now, what Int to ad i that also shold obey the priary moral prniples n this vital world. ll ofmydear riendse, on the inert, whicho dd yu play hicrole r ou layng A whh olewil oupla Tn yo very much! 大学生关于英语演讲稿2 syou slowlope yor ee, look arun , notice wheree lght comes ino our rm;liten caeflly, se fthere arenew sounds yo an rcogize; fel withyou boy and srit, a e if ou an nse the fresnesin te air. Yes, yes, ys, t a nedy,is diffren ay, a its ritday!A os imttl, its a w beginnngoryorif, innin wre yoare ging to make n sicisions, take ew ations,e ewfrend, n tkeyourlife o a toally unrecedeted level!Youno altis rala longas you are cnfit,assinteandmitd! An are onfidt, yuare assioat, youa comitted!You il o ogerfear making nsunds,hoingewfaal exression, using your newwas,proaching ew people,and skn newuetons Yuill liv eer ile day ofyour lif wit absol passio, andyowil sow your passion hrough word ou speak and the actions you tak. ou wilfcsall your tie nd fort the ost imptnt goa yo life wll nevr succm t calengs o hips. o wl neverwaven yur pursiof excllece. After ll,yu are the st, d you deerve he bes! A ou coach and ried, can asur youth oo o ll h bstthings i the wold ill e to u, but the ket tat oor is n our hand. Yumust our r, oumust fahuy follwthe plns you akand takehactions you pan,you mustnevr quit,you must never e. now umus d it, you can do it, youwl dot, doul succeed! No stdfi and tall, makeafit, get exite, an yelit out: Imstdo it! can do it! I ill do it! I wil succeed! msto ! an doi!wl o !Iilsuceed! us do i! a do t! I wid i!Iwll succeed! 大学生关于英语演讲稿3ive helphand as volnteer. Weveryon al ought to make one beinggenru n givig hep, snot as bri ac repot, do nt ak the bck-off people r he. Bejus to mak on beingedy o elp f ree other peopspeple. Thpepe h aks e bein genros igiing hlp s i fact veysimpl ,personlttlethig ,that allso to speak a tobe genou giving hlpother even thoughig o hel inish ving as te saggoes:Dnotthink ayvetivial, nd o prc it . t is us becuse tat sch,we do o believe heling oersspic f mior matter, he onin makesnigh copo it kes n iffrence, hd et otcompose, maymk yo becom goisic peol ik that oly, oters s rea beha egoistioe ern giesa hadeite reft ring he period o ou hve iicuty In life,wecan com rss t people wh nees giva hand lwys an everer all, e y fee appyas ong as hepg i one, on,osibly wll be joyful e uchourstat of mind hs alsofinishdcai atally all ayg,lso accommode oneself to nrgy mor ell, ppe ife. Weare wted s far as possile hpoters, bar rge song as no exeng. thersult watthnghep o be ging to l, on to raacea dstitonbtwee the bd thng andthe good eed helping. If one peple letyo goo hl hm to commit murdr nd arsn, rob salng;e toablet hlp him nevr Carry oin toathing ,aingbout a road downnd so n inlfs hand i one peple et ougive a hand , bet be abt tel i thn You haveheledthatpeson nt onlysing, ths has also implid, youhav hl sf whle y
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