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经典的英语自我介绍iing an woredfor a oreinentise satomation softare test egieer.Bcause wantto cange my okingevironent,I'd le tofnd job whichi more challenging Morover otorolais aob comany, so Ifel can in the mos rom workng in his kin f copany envronmn.Tat is the asn wyI cme heeo cmee o thipositin. I tk I&39;ma good team ple and I9;m a prson geat onesty otes. lsoI am ab twok udergreat pressure. Ta all. Thank yu fr gingme he cance经典的英语自我介绍【2】 Mames NJO. Fm xx Gratd frm XXXsol, sapofessoa lectroc information technlogy and pication of te grdat anxx eow imyse-intduction: asor in odinary rurl faiy,I grewupfrom th contrd, ince theildhd to train to earhrdshps dsan hrd wk o god quality. Carate erf,wam, tromtiato, wilig to accep ad lean nethig, with rng conscusnessaiy ndependen biitto lfl thesk icesie te door,d ear dirtio,paymuh atento to r variousaspects ablt traning.In he stuy, sitie enterpiing, loe maor,rfesnal, otstnding achievemen i secnd las schlarship and get hasip. s woth eellen tudentlerning&qot;, &qot;ZnanSoui born&ut;, ot;coputrade examintion&uot;, &uot;rai ebuggi wr t&qut; cerficates.I9; eay t intothe ollective, a spiri n colectie sene o hoo. Durng theperioof schl, aeypartciainshool ativitie heldtrong profeiona dctioand igh sneo espibili.Aso tke atin the cho mateur ar school, tht I thouhhan realy ipove, eae that te eoe's irets, and l ith he cmpny#3;s interests. gealn ll wth pople,a e harmoniu todeal wh te rnship,th lower leel, ad ave got oddaptaon ability, comunio ils,coordintio and mnamnt aty, andhaveagod qlityi thehear. Strct family eduaion that I grew p inhe depndable, srios huafmily trai I can in he wor o high quality ndeffiienc, b alsoe enhusiasmof thebg invset put 经典的英语自我介绍【3】 ood afteroon and nicetosee yo atthss afterno. I v gldoe ere forinteiew. M nme sYYX . Iom froDLUFL ad m ajor is enlsh speil isd in usiness Copter, books, fims andlimbng motan a myfavouri I ae been clssresidnt oa ears, a I ohave ben n inrpreter taia Grment Fi fr tce thinall hes eprien andy rponsl, cretnghinkig ndason woud make meqalifyr ths joAnd wat'smore, mlapto comute is P, so I hae a better ay to goize HP. I elie tat it ouldea chllege aa chance fr me to be HP nt ll ,Thnk u so muh! 经典的英语自我介绍【4】 Genel Intoduton I a a hird er stermajor tomtion tShhaJio Tong Univrsit,P. R.China. Wih trmeds interestin ndustrial Enginen, I m witing tapply oraccetace nto your Ph. radut program.Educton backround I19, enteredtheNanjing nestyf Scce am; Technology(UST) - dely onsered oe o theChins best engineing hol Dri h olng undegrduat stdy, my ademic reordskeptdisingused amng the whol depment. I as grante ist Cl Prizevery smer, 19, Igot the privlege to etr thegradute proga waivd f he amisio est. At te peiod of y gruate study, myrll P(3.77/4.)k p 5% in thdpartmen ne secnd smeser,becae teacer asitant hat isgivnto alented and mtudsudensonly. Tiser, I he Acer Sholrship as theoean onyndidatein my ermet, whch te ultmate accolade for isinguhdtudns noweby mynirty. rsentl, a preparing my graduao heis antryor teonr of Exellent duatio Thsis Rerh experiec andaami acvityWhen sophomore, Ijoine he Asocaton of Anthusst ad began to narrow down my intest for future eseach. With th ool OpenGL ad Mtlab,Idesigned simulton proam frtransportio schedung ysem. It is owwidly sed y difereteseac group i UST Iassuedndfulfiled asewag aalysis&dipos pojctor Naning sewae trtent plant. This asy firstpracicet onta aortory d t acommercal product.I rerspc, I fndmelfstadn ona olibs in bt theory nd exernce, ich ha prepared me or te h.Dprogam.y fute research iterests incle: Network Scedling roblm,Heuistic Algrimresearh (epeciallyin GA nd Nural ntork), Supply hi ewok reseach, yri
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