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14年完成句子练习1. Do you know _? (他们为什么推迟制定这个计划) (put)2. The old photo _. (爸爸照的这张旧照片常常使我想起愉快的童年) (remind)3. If you dont know the words, _. (请查字典) ( look)4. We shouldnt laugh at the people _. (处于困境中的人 ) (be) Dont laugh at a person _.(处于困境中的人 ) (be)5. The left-home children look sad, _. (让我们做点什么使他们高兴吧) (cheer)6. The less junk food you have, _. (你就会更健康) (be)7. Now most people prefer the cars _. ( 中国制造的胜过国外制造的) (make)8. The math problems are so difficult, but its _. ( 我算出来很容易) (work)9. I think _. (任何人一天之内学好英语是不可能的) (be) I dont think _. (任何人一天之内学好英语是不可能的) (be)10. I have _. (用英语同外宾交流没问题) (communicate)11. How about _?(考虑去远足) (consider) Why not _? (考虑介烟) (consider)12. The magazine _. (我借给你的是我叔叔的) (belong)The shoes _. (一定是他的) (be)13. Tom is outgoing. Hes good at _. (同别人交朋友) (make) Hes good at _. (同别人和睦相处) (get)He does well in _. (踢足球/弹钢琴) (play)14. I _. (过去经常开着灯睡觉) (use)15. Jim left the party _. (没和朋友道别) (say)16. _? (你认为我们上周六看的那部电影怎么样) (think) _? (你认为我们上周末看的那部电影怎么样) (like)17. Could you tell me _? (你觉得她的歌咋样) (feel)18. My father learns English _. (通过收听收音机) (listen)19. I like to make friends with the person _. (和我有相同兴趣的人) (have) Id like _. (和容易相处的人交朋友) (get)20. Do you mind _? (把音乐关小一点) (turn)21. It often _. (花我一小时从家里走到学校) (take)22. I hope to learn math well, so I always _. (花大量的时间学习它) (spend)23. I dont know _. (咋用我的新电脑) (use)24. My pal didnt tell me _. (他住在哪里) (live)25. I dont know _. (明天是否会下雨) (rain)26. We will go camping _
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