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灵宝市第三小学教案学科英语班 级五年级执笔人执 教时 间年 月 日课 题Unit 6 In a nature park5学习目 标能够听、说、读、写单词bridge,house,building,tree,village及句子There is a village in the nature park.教学重 点掌握相关景物的单词。教学难 点名词复数的使用和读音。教具准 备课件 磁带 卡片课时安 排1教学过程教学过程1热身和复习(Warm up and revision) 1.教师和学生自由对话。2.请生用There be 句型来描述教师,书包等3.师生共唱歌曲In a nature pare 2.新课表现(Presentation) Lets learn1.教师用简笔画在黑板上画一条小河,河的旁边有两颗小树,一边画一边介绍:“There is an apple tree and an orange tree. The apple tree and the orange tree are good friends. Today the apple tree wants to visit the orange tree. But there is a river . How can he go to the orange trees house?”随后教师画一座桥,并出示词卡bridge.2.教师接着说:“The apple tree goes to the orange trees house. He sees a.”师开始画一座座的房子。引导学生用There is a are two house.houses.等。w 3.教师在增加房子的数量时,有意把他们组成村庄,出示词卡village并教读。4.教师再引导学生从总体上看图画,指着其中的一栋房屋告诉学生这是“建筑”,并拿出词卡教读。5.教师总结刚所学的单词,并让生复习巩固。Write and say教师让学生边看书本上的图画,边翻译题目,学生做题,最后教师讲解。 3 趣味操练 (Practice) 全班自由分组一起找一找,说一说公园和乡村的异同。 修改意见修改意见Unit 6 In a nature parkBridge house building tree village
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