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人教版精品英语资料(精校版).词汇知识.limit (v.)限制_(n.)限制_(adj.)有限的_(adj.)无限的._(n.)英雄;豪杰_(adj.)英勇的;英雄的heroine (n.)女英雄_(n.)英雄表现._(n.& v)希望_(adj.)充满希望的hopeless (adj.)没有希望的;绝望的._(n.)怀疑论者;持怀疑态度的人_(n.)怀疑态度;怀疑主义sceptical (adj.)怀疑性的;持怀疑.revelation (n.)启示;揭示_(adj.)启发性的;启迪人的.critic (n.)批评家;评论_(adj.)批评的;批判性的_(n.)批评;批判;评论_(v.)批评;批判;评论;评价_(adj.)公正的;正义的;合理的_(n.)公平;公正;合理_(n.)不公平;不合理;非正义.sponsor (n.)担保人;发起人;赞助者_(n.)赞助;主办;倡议.反对_(v.)_(adj.)反对的;相反的_(adj.)对抗的答案:limitation;limited;limitlesshero;heroic;heroismhope;hopefulsceptic;scepticismrevelatorycritical;criticism;criticizejust;justice;injusticesponsorshipoppose;opposed;opposing.重点短语.get_顺利应付;克服._force 有效的;在实施中._the name of. 用的名字.see_ 看穿,识破.struggle_ 与作斗争.stand_ 杰出.take_ 收容,收留._want_ 需要答案:roundinunderthroughagainstoutinin;of.必背句型.Can you believe_there used to be a consensus in society_opposed the writing of novels by authoresses?答案:that;that.Clearly this restriction_at a time when there was no equality of opportunity for women.答案:must have operated._is making fun of those mothers_only wish is to marry their daughters well.答案:It;whose._,any survey of the 19th century English literature must include them.答案:These.完成句子There _ for 2 days,the travelers were all very thirsty.(be)已经两天没有水了,游客们口渴得很厉害。答案:having been no water/not having any waterI think _ to treat the orphan like that.(shame)我认为那样对待那个孤儿太不像话了。答案:it/its a shame_ the best one in the city,there are always several thousand film fans every day.(regard)这家影院被认为是全市最好的一家,每天总有数千影迷来这儿。答案:With the cinema being regarded as/The cinema being regarded as_ in trouble,he would come to help me out.(time)每当我处于困境,他就会来帮助我。答案:Every/Each time I was The boy _,the same mistake still appeared in his paper.(tell)虽然这个男孩被告诉过好多次了,但同样的错误仍然出现在他的试卷上。答案:having been told many times.多项选择When we asked for his attitude,he gave a nod of_AdisapprovalBdisagreementCapproval Ddissatisfaction解析:选C。a nod of approval点头同意,赞同;disagreement和disapproval都表“不赞成”之意;dissatisfaction不满意,令人不满意的事物。Some colonists were very unhappy with the bureaucratic way that Britain ruled the country and were quite _ about this.Aoutstanding Boutgoing Coutspoken Deasygoing解析:选C。句意:一些殖民地居民对英国政府的官僚统治方式很不满并对此直言不讳。outspoken坦率的;直言的。outstanding杰出的;outgoing外向的;easygoing随和的。The country _ rich mineral deposits.Apossesses BcontrolsCruns Doperates解析:选A。句意:该国拥有丰富的矿储存。possess拥有;control控制;run经营,operate操作;管理。She _among the students by her beauty. Astood for Bstood outCstood by Dstood up解析:选B。句意:她在学生中相貌出众。stand out显眼,引人注目,突出。We both strongly_your going to Iraq at this time of the war.Its not a wise decision.Aenjoy BopposeCappreciate Dinsist解析:选B。oppose作动词用表示“反对”,其他选项不符合题意。Anne felt nervous_she gave a speech in front of so many students.Afor the first time Bthe first timeCat the first time Dthe first time that解析:选B。the first time相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,通常意为“第一次”,for the first time只作状语,不能用来引导状语从句。With nothing left to burn,the fire became weak and finally _Aput out Bput downCdied out Dwent down解析:选C。put out 扑灭;put down放下;平定;die out 消失;(火)熄灭;go down下去;(风)平静下来。Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem_Aon purpose Bin allCon time Dafter all解析:选D。on purpose故意地;in all总共;on time按时;after all毕竟。句意:你为什么如此地焦急?毕竟不是你的问题。I have_all my papers but I still cant find my notes.Alooked through Blooked forClooked after Dlooked out解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。空格处应是“快速浏览,快速查阅”之意。故选A。B项“寻找”,C项“照看”,D项“当心”均不符合句意。Instead of using his true name,he sent the article to the paper _ Saki.Aby the name of Bin the name ofCunder the name of Dto his name解析:选C。under the name of用的假名;在的名字下。by the name of以的名字;in the name of以的名义;to ones name 属于自己所有。.阅读理解ATHE BRONTE FAMILYYorkshire,England was the setting for two great novels of the 19th century.These were Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and Emily Brontes also a gifted novelist,and her books have the same extraordinary quality as her sistersTheir father was Pattick Bronte,born in Ireland.He moved with his wife,Maria Bronte,and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820.Soon after,Mrs.Bronte and the two eldest children died,leaving the father to care for the remaining three girls and a boy.Charlotte was born in 1816,Emily was born in 1818 and Anne in 1820.Their brother Branwell was born in 181
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