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作文篇(卷一)【写作的重要性】No body could deny that writing is one of the basic abilities for men. Put it another way, it is unlikely to imagine human civilization without writing ability.At the top of the list, if we overlook the significance of writing ability, we will suffer a great difficulty in our daily written communication. In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is advisable for us to attach importance to this ability because writing plays a key in our academic performance. To summarize,writing does carry a positive implication for our life and study.In view of the great value of writing ability, we should take actions to develop this capability. For my part, initially, we are supposed to keep in mind that reading is the first step of writing, so we should read great books as many as possible, learning from the great works how to write concisely and effectively. Moreover, owing to the fact that practice makes perfect, we should frequently practice writing; for example, we may develop the habit of keeping a diary.没有人能否认,写作是人类的基本能力之一。换句话说,它不太可能想象没有文字能力的人类文明。首先,如果我们忽视了写作能力的重要性,我们就会在日常的写作交流中遇到很大的困难。除了上面提到的,我们应该重视这种能力,因为写作对我们的学习成绩起着关键作用。总之,写作对我们的生活和学习确实有积极的影响。鉴于写作能力的巨大价值,我们应该采取行动来培养这种能力。对于我来说,首先,我们应该记住,阅读是写作的第一步,所以我们应该尽可能多地阅读伟大的书籍,从伟大的作品中学习如何简洁有效地写作。此外,由于熟能生巧,我们应该经常练习写作;例如,我们可以养成记日记的习惯。(卷二)【口语的重要性】When I need to make a presentation in class, I will feel the importance of speaking ability. For me, I think there are three ways to help myself improve.First, I can read and listen to more things. It can give me more ideas before speaking. Second, I have to choose the right thing to say. Even I have a lot of thoughts, I have to keep on time. Last but not the least, I can use some special skills when I speak. For example, I can ask a question or tell a story before my talk. It will make my speech better.In the end, I think speaking ability is very important. I can use ways like reading and listening to more things, choose my thoughts and practice some skills to develop it.当我需要在课堂上做演讲时,我会感到口语能力的重要性。对我来说,我认为有三种方法可以帮助自己提高。首先,我可以读和听更多的东西。它可以给我更多的想法之前发言。其次,我必须选择正确的东西说。即使我有很多想法,我必须保持时间。最后但并非最不重要,我可以使用一些特殊的技能当我说话。例如,我可以在演讲前问一个问题或讲一个故事。这会使我的演讲更好。最后,我认为口语能力是非常重要的。我可以使用像阅读和听更多的东西,选择我的想法和实践一些技能来发展它。(卷三)【阅读的重要性】We all know that reading is important, but not everyone has recognized the fact that ones reading competence is of equal importance. It not only helps us acquire information more quickly but also improves our reading experiences and outcomes. So how to improve our ability to read? From my perspective, there are three practical ways.First, we should learn strategies to meet different reading needs. For instance, we can skim and scan materials when reading for fun. Secondly, keeping a reading journal is recommendable because it encourages us to take notes, comment and reflect. Through this may we benefit more and improve our reading capacity. Finally, the increase of reading capacity also takes time and practice. Therefore, we should read more regularly and read with better habits, like switching phones to silent mode when reading.To conclude, the above three methods can all help develop reading ability. One may choose what fits him most and keep reading.我们都知道阅读很重要,但并不是每个人都认识到一个人的阅读能力是同等重要的。它不仅帮助我们更快地获取信息,而且改善我们的阅读体验和结果。那么如何提高我们的阅读能力呢?在我看来,有三种可行的方法。首先,我们应该学习策略来满足不同的阅读需求。例如,我们可以浏览和扫描材料时阅读的乐趣。其次,坚持阅读日记是可取的,因为它鼓励我们做笔记,评论和反思。通过这一点,我们可以受益更多,提高我们的阅读能力。最后,阅读能力的提高也需要时间和练习。因此,我们应该更有规律地阅读,养成更好的阅读习惯,比如在阅读的时候把手机调到静音模式。综上所述,以上三种方法都有助于培养学生的阅读能力。一个人可以选择最适合自己的,并坚持阅读。
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