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Lesson 3-2学习目标:By the end of this class, you will be able to learn about some scientific breakthroughs and the scientists. 学习过程一、预习交流 Review the new words. donate v._procedure n. _microscope n._correspond v._organ n._microwave n._split v._telescope n._circuit n._cure v._mist n._patent n._wrestle v._mould n._outcome n._dilemma n._penicillin n._circuit n._navy n._outcome n._jet n._二. 合作探究Fill in the blanks 1. One of the 20th centurys p_ scientists was Einstein who was i_ to d_ E=mc2 which showed how an u_ amount of energy was produced. 2. Scientists f_ _ how to split the atom and changed the way we c_ from writing letters to emailing. 3. The o_ of penicillin is a_, which helped to c_ people. 4. It is a real d_ on your hands to choose the most important discovery of the 20th century. Scientific b_ improve the quality of human life on earth.Can you find some words in the text that express the same ideas? For example, discover and figure out. 三. 分层提高 Find words in the text with the following meanings: 1. to give something e.g. money, to a person or an organization in order to help them 2. a part of the body, such as heart or lungs 3. to divide something into separate parts 4. compare two things that are happening at the same time 5. expressing your opinions honestly 6. one of the large groups of stars that make up the universe 7. to make someone who is ill well again 8.a type of oven that cooks food very quicklyWrite down the difference between False and IN._.四. 总结归纳 After reading(1) Retell the text Key words: NounsVerbsAdjsE=mc2,theory of relativity telescope, galaxy, Penicillin, bacteria, machine, missile, energy, microwaveInspire, explore, discover, notice, realize, destroy, save, cure, measure, dedicate, affect, breakthroughworld-famous, outspoken, unbelievable, far-reaching, mass-produced, first, huge, grateful
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