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课时Period 1教学对象九年级执教者但堂芳一、教材内容分析本节课是unit12的第一课时,围绕“习俗”展开话题。我将SectionA至Grammar Focus 整合在一起,通过学习,让学生掌握日本、巴西、美国、墨西哥、韩国的见面礼节,及对待赴约的时间观念和穿着等,让学生能正确使用You are supposed to 进行描述,通过听力训练和口语练习加深学生对目标语言的认知。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)一) 认知目标1, 词汇运用:shake, shake hands, bow, kiss, custom, Korea, Mexico, be supposed to do 2,掌握语言目标:-What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?-They are supposed to bow.-I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.You are not supposed to shake hands.二) 能力目标1, 掌握be supposed to do 句型的用法。2, 会用You are supposed to do 描述各国的见面礼仪、生活习俗和对时间的看法。三、重点、难点一) 重点:1, 学会运用词汇:shake, shake hands, bow, kiss, custom, Korea, Mexico, be supposed to do。2.,掌握语言目标:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?-They are supposed to bow.-I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.You are not supposed to shake hands.二) 难点1, 掌握be supposed to do 句型的用法。2, 了解各国的见面礼仪、生活习俗及对时间的看法。四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价借助多媒体手段,采用情景交际、图示说明、归纳总结三种方法相结合的教学模式,适时进行合理的激励、暗示、提问、观察。五、资源准备多媒体课件六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task .1 Warm up & lead-in( 4 minutes)1. Greet to students2. Show four pictures on the screen one by one. Let students to say the meanings.3. Teach students to read the new words and phrases.1. Greet to teacher.2. According to the pictures, say out the meanings in English.3. Read the new words and phrases after teacher. 通过多媒体屏幕向学生展示所学单词,图文并茂,非常直观地向学生展示了新单词.简单的单词游戏既调动了学生的学习积极性又强化了单词记忆。Task.2 Presentation(6 minutes)1. show some pictures, ask Ss some questions like , in the US, what people do when they meet for the first time? 2. lead Ss to answer with the new phrases and words.1. pay attention to the pictures and questions, try to know the meanings quickly.2. Answer the questions actively运用更多的见面图片与学生展开问答,引导学生细心观察,善于总结,在学习中运用,记忆不同国家的见面礼仪。激发学习动机。Task .3Challenge(2 minutes)1. show some country names and customs, ask Ss to write the correct letter on the blank.2. check the answers.1. write the correct letter on the blank.2. say out the answers one by one.运用比赛的方式复习巩固所学的新单词和短语,配上相应的图画,学生容易接受。Task.4 Pairwork(5 minutes)1. show some information and key sentences, lead Ss to know the meaning.2. ask Ss to make similar conversations like the modal. Teacher move around the classroom and give the necessary help.3. ask several pairs to share their conversations.1. according to the details to make up conversations in pairs.2. several pairs present their conversations in the front , and try to use the body language.教师先给出示范,使所有学生明白如何进行结对活动,此活动的目的是让学生运用刚刚学会的单词和句型操练,使学生对本节中重难点在运用中得到巩固。Task.5 Explanation(4 minutes)1. show the language points, be supposed to do, be not supposed to do.2. explain it for Ss3. show three sentences, ask Ss to fill in the blanks.1. notice the language points,be (not) supposed to do2. listen to the explanation carefully, try to use it familiarly.3. finish the exercise by themselves.对重点句型进行透彻的讲解,分析,示例,到专项练习,使学生能够真正的达到理解并运用。Task.6 Listening( 8 minutes) 1.focus Ss attention on the picture in 2a, and read the details.2. play the recording the first time.3. play the recording a second time, ask Ss to put “T” for themistakes in the blanks .4. check the answers.5. focus Ss attention on 2b.6.play the recording ask Ss to write the missing phrases on the blanks.7.Check the answers.1.look at the pictures and read the sentences quickly.2.listen to the recording and put “T” for the mistakes in the blanks.3. correct the answers.4. look at the items of 2b.5. listen to the recording carefully , catch the key information and write the missing phrases on the blank lines.6. correct the answers.先让学生读原文的要求,让学生明白应该怎么做;播放两遍听力,确保所有学生都能听明白,;通过听力,进一步感知目标语言和不同的文化风俗。Task.7 Groupwork(5 minutes)1. show the target language on the screen, make a modal conversation with a good student.2. let them work in groups, teacher offer Ss necessary help.3. Invite several pairs to share their conversations with class.1. read the target language and listen to the modal conversation .2. use the information on the screen to make new conversations in groups.3. several pairs share their conversations with the class.让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养学生运用英语解决实际问题的能力;同时进一步体验他国不同的风俗礼仪。Task.8 Extension(3 minutes) 1. show four pictures to the Ss, and ask “what you are supposed to do if you meet these situations”2. lead them to use the target language to deal with the problems.3. invite some Ss to share their ideas with the class.1. look at the pictures, try to know what they mean.2. use the target language to deal with the true situations.3. share their ideas with the class.通过真实情境的展现,训练学生运用目标语言解决实际问题的能力,同时培养他们的正义感,做一个正直,热情,有爱心的好学生。Task.9 Competition(2 minutes)1. show some sentences about the customs, ask Ss to choose the best answers or write the short answers.2. check the answers.1. re
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