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外研版英语精品资料(精修版)www.ks5u.comM6U3 Reading Cultural differences Learning aims: 1. To understand the cultural differences2. To grasp the new words in this part.Teaching procedures:Step1:Word study1. _ v.打招呼_n.问候,招呼2._v. 确保,保证 _ adj.确实的,一定的3. _v祝贺_n. 祝贺4._ n. 招待会,接待,接受_接到,接待5. _n. 新郎_ n. 新娘6. _ v. 允许,准许_ n. 允许,准许_ n. 许可证7. _v. (尤指以法令)禁止_ n. 禁止,禁令8. _ n. 冒犯,侮辱_ v. 使生气,使恼火,犯罪9. _ adj. 习惯于_ v. 使习惯于10. _n. 庆典,庆祝活动 _ v. 庆祝Step2: Lead- in1. Do you understand the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”?2. People around the world have their own forms of greeting each other. Match them.Country/ Area Forms of greetingThe Netherlands putting their hands together and bowing slightlyThailand kissing each other on one check and then the otherSouth America greeting each other by touching nosesThe Middle East hugging each otherStep3: Choose the best answersWhats the topic of the text?Some cultural differences in the worldHow to celebrate weddings in the West?Some cultural differences between Korea and BritainSome cultural differences between Brunei and BritainIf a man joins in a wedding reception in Brunei, he has to _. A. sit with the bride B. sit with the bridegroom and the other men C. stand all the time D. sit with the female guests3. If you attend a wedding ceremony in Brunei, you cant drink_.A. soft drinks B. coffee C. tea D. alcoholWhat do people use to point in many countries?A. The thumb B. The first finger C. The little finger D. the middle finger5. According to the passage, if you come to _, you will have to take off your shoes before entering someones house.A. Brunei B. China C. the countryside in China D. Korea6. Which of the following is not true about Bonfire Night?A. In the UK people often light firework to celebrate itB. Hot dogs are the main food of the festivalC. People celebrate the festival togetherD. In America, people celebrate the festival with a big dinnerStep4: Fill in each blank within three words. people opinionsWaledFrom1._Present: They never open the present immediately when they receive it.Wedding:Men and women sit 3. _.Food, soft drinks, tea and coffee are served, while alcohol is 4._.Sleep 5. _ or even never sleep.Body language: Using 6._ to point.Customs: 7._ shoes before going into someones house.PeterFrom2._Present: Open the present 8._ they receive it.Wedding:In Korea: A hen and a rooster is a part of the wedding ceremony; roosters are used to drive 9._away, while hens are used to 10._ good luck.Festivals: Brits 11._ Bonfire Night, while American are not 12._ with it. Step 5: Read the summary of the text and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Puzzled information traditions thumb Romans culturalUnbelievable reactions bridegroom similarities female behaviorMa Li has to do her homework on _differences. So she goes online to chat with others and find some _ she needs.She gets to know English and American people have _ differences in culture even though they both speak English. For example, the British may be _ when Americans talk about Bonfire Night. There are different _ in the West and the East when they get presents. Westerners like to open them immediately. Though there are _ between wedding _ in the west, there are also differences between different western countries. In Brunei, a male guests has to sit with the _ and the other men and a _ guest has to be with the bridge and the other women in a different area. Whats more, if you go to Brunei, you should point with your _ instead of your index finger. Appropriate _ is always welcome. So remember when in Rome, do as the _ do.练习 (小试身手)一根据语境完成下列各题。1. Lets have a small party to c him on his good exam results.2. Our school gave a warm r for the foreign visitors.3. To open a new shop, one needs an official p .4. Soon the good news spread t the whole village.5. You can a the colour on the TV by turning the knob.6. You must get a to the new environment when you are in a new place.7. Never try to trouble him by French. French is as f to him as English.8. The fight started when one of the fans made rude g
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