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EXHIBIT DWORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT (WIA)SACRAMENTO WORKS TRAINING CENTERPROPOSED BUDGET AND COST ALLOCATION PLANApplicant:Address:City/State/Zip:ProgramContact:Fiscal Contact: Budget Period: 7/1/13-6/30/14Activity:Phone #:Phone #:BUDGET SUMMARY - COST REIMBURSEMENTTYPE OF COSTWIALeveraged ResourcesTotalA. Personnel Costs$B1. Fixed Asset PurchasesB2. Other Equipment CostsC. Other CostsD. Direct Participant CostsTotal Cost$EXHIBIT DCOST ALLOCATION PLANACTUAL METHODS (Do not give dollar amounts), which will be used to charge/allocate a FA旧 SHARE ofACTUAL costs to this budget (Budget column) and to cost categories within the budget (CostCategory).Cost ItemUse abbreviation at bottom of pageBudgetCost CategoryA. Personnel CostsB. Equipment CostsC. Other CostsD. Direct Participant CostsABBREVIATIONS: (Some commonly used methods. If a method you use is not listed, add it to the list) DC = Direct Charge: Not a share cost. ACTUAL costs charged to a budget or cost category will be directly identified with the budget or cost category.ST = Staff time: Shared Cost. ACTUAL costs will be allocated to a budget or cost category based upon the % of total ACTUAL staff time spent on the budget or cost category.SF = Square Footaae: Shared Cost. ACTUAL costs will be allocated to a budget of cost category based upon the % of ACTUAL space used for the budget or cost category.SF/ST = Sauare Footage Combined with Time of Staff Using Saace: Shared cost. ACTUAL costs will be allocated to a budget or cost category based upon the % of total ACTUAL space and the % of total ACTUAL staff time within the space used for the budget or cost category.#S = Number Served: Shared cost. ACTUAL costs will be allocated to a budget based upon the % of total ACTUAL participants served by the budget.U = Usage: Shared cost. ACTUAL costs will be allocated to a budget or cost category based upon the % of total ACTUAL usage for the budget or cost category. The backup documentation for the % of total ACTUAL usage for the budget or cost category. The backup documentation for ACTUAL usage will be :A. PERSONNEL COSTS1. Job TitleDatesFrom-ToFull SalaryPer Month XNumber ofMonths XSETA%CostsWIA-or This Prog Leveraged ResourcesramTotal$S$Total Salaries$2. Total Fringe Benefits (Employers Contribution Only)% of Salaries (Average)$S$Total Personnel Costs ( Salaries + Fringe Benefits)$B. EQUIPMENT COSTS1. Purchases of Fixed Assets*Full Purchase Price x SETA %WIALeveraged ResourcesTotal$Total Purchases of Fixed Assets$2. Other Equipment CostsFull Purchase Price x SETA %P, L, RD or UP = Purchase L = LeaseR = Rent D = DepreciationU = Use Allowance$Total Other Equipment Costs$Total Equipment Costs (Purchases of Fixed Assets + Other Equipment Costs)$*Fixed Assets: Equipment (non-expendable personal property) with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit and a useful life of more than one year.C. OTHER COSTSAttach copy of approval letter from cognizant agency.1. DirectFull Cost InformationWIALeveraged ResourcesTotalFacility:Non-Owned: Rent LeaseOwned: 口 Depreciation Use AllowanceAddress:$UtilitiesTelephoneOffice SuppliesDuplicaiion/PrintingInsurance: Fidelity/Depositors ForgeryPropertyGeneral LiabilityVehicle LiabilityOthersTravel:Local MileageOther:Subcontracts:Total Direct Costs$S$2. Indirecl Costs - Approved Rate:% x Direct Costs of$Total Other Costs (Direct + Indirect)$D. DIRECT PARTICIPANT COSTSType/Cost InformationCOSTS FOR THIS PROGRAMWIALeveraged ResourcesTotal1. Other Participant CostsTraining Matcrials/Books$Other (Please specify):Other (Please specify):Total Participant Costs$2. OJT Employer ReimbursementSlots$/HrAvg Hours of TrainingSETA %3. Tuition Payments - MUST COMPLETE PAGE 7SlotsAvg Tuition Per SlotTotal Direct Participant Costs$TUITION PRICE LISTregistration fee $75.00; books $150.00; etc.). Please be specific.Course/Class# of Curriculum HoursTuitionRegistration Fee/ Instructional Materials*Total$S$
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