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2011届高考英语单选专题破解:易受相似结构影响I.讲解:我们时常会碰到这样一些单项选择题, 它们的题干在句式,句型,词语搭配及用法等方面近乎一致,有时只是一个词,一个标点符号之别.然而,就是这些细微差别,却往往导致题意以及答案的迥然不同.经常有意识地辑录一些结构相似的选择题并对其进行认真的对比练习,必能提高自己的观察能力和应变能力.解答这类习题时,首先应通过比较弄清句子结构之间的相似之处与不同之处,在此基础上再注意分析其题旨和命题角度,试图从中找到答题的契机.II.练习:1. Is this school _you visited the other dayIs this school _you visited your uncle the other dayIs this the school _ you visited the other dayIs this the school _ you visited your uncle the other dayA. the one B. where C. when D. that2. It is a store, _ sells science book. It is the very store _ sells books are sold.It is the store _ science books are sold.It is in the store _ science books are sold.A. who B. which C. that D. where3. I will never forget the days _ we spent together in the country.I will never forget the days _ we worked together in the country.A. on which B. where C. that D. when4. Here is such s difficult text _ none of us can understand.Here is such a difficult text _ none of us can understand.A. as B. which C. that D. where 5. Finally they arrived at a farmhouse, _ roof well above the others.Finally they arrived at a farmhouse, _ roof was well above the others.A. what B. which C. whose D. its6. _ is known to all that paper was first made in China._ is known to all, paper was first made in China.A. That B. Which C. As D. It7. _ he was badly ill that the enemy set him free._ he was badly ill did the enemy set him free.A. Until B. Not until C. It was until D. It was not until8. _ he has done it is surprising._ he has done is surprising. A. What B. That C. Whether D /9. _ from the hill, the park seems beautiful._ from the hill, youll find the park beautiful._ from the hill, and youll find the park beautiful.A. See B. Seen C. Seeing D. to be seen10. There _ no bus, we had to walk home.As there _ no bus, we had to walk home.A. was B. were C. being D. be11. It is kind _ you to do so.It is easy _ you to do so.A. to B. for C. of D. with12.No one but I _ asked to help rebuild the tower.Not you but I _ asked to help rebuild the tower.Not only you but I _ asked to help rebuild the tower.A. am B. is C. are D. were13. Tom and Jack are good at music, but _ of them is good at art.Tom and Jack are good at music, and _ of them is good at art.Tom and Jack are good at music, and _ of them are good at art.A. neither B. either C. both C. two14. I have nothing to do but _ his advice. I have nothing to choose but _ his advice.A. follow B. following C. to follow D. followed15. -_ are you going to do with the letter-Im going to have it burned.-_ are you going to deal with the letter-Im going to have it burned.A. Whether B. Why C. What D. How16. He spent _ hours than she on maths.He spent _ time than she on mathA. many more B. much more C. many D. much17. This book is worth _.This book is worthy _.This book is worthy of _.A. being dipped into B. to be dipped into C. dipping into D. dipped into18. I _ five yuan on the book.I _ five yuan for the book.The book _ me five yuan.A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost19. Newton was famous _ a great scientist.Newton was famous _ his great discoveries.A. for B. in C. as D. because of20. -Im tired _ taking a train. -Youd better take a rest.-Im tired _ taking a train.-Youd better take a bus.A. from B. by C. for D. of21. Lets have a short rest, _Let us have a short rest, _A. will you B. will we C. shall we D. dont you22. _ this road, you will get there._ this road, and you will get there.A. Follow B To follow C. Following D. Followed23. We have decided to accept the proposal that he _ his new theory.We have decided to accept the proposal that he _.A. offer B. offers C. offered D. would offer24. Two years _, he had to return to his native village.Two years _, and he had to return to his native village.A. passed B. past C, after D. later25. The English teacher and class teacher _ friendly to us.The English teacher and the class teacher _ friendly to us.A. / B. be C. is D. are26. _, and he cant tell true friends from false ones._, he cant tell true friends from false ones.A. For he is a child B. He is a child C. A
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