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互联网广告行业术语及缩写4A American Association of Advertising Agencies 美国广告代理协会ADX AD exchange广告交易平台ad group广告组ADN AD Network广告网络ad placement广告放置ad safety广告安全affiliate 联盟agreement-based advertising 合约广告AUC Area Under Curve 曲线下面积auction-based advertising 竞价广告audience targeting 受众定向ASN Average Show NumberBoW Bag of Words 词袋banner ad橫幅告bayesian learning 贝叶斯学习BT Behaviorial Targeting 行为定向bid term竞价关键词brand awareness 品牌广告call out optimization 询价优化campaign广告计划CoEC Click on Expected ClickCoPC Click on Predicted ClickCTR Click Through Rate 点击率click value愿击价值CF Collaborative Filtering 协同过滤 compact allocation plan 紧凑分配方案 constrained optimization 带约束优化 content as ad内容即广告CDN Content Delivery Network 内容分发网络 contextual advertising 上下文庁告 contextual targeting 上下文定向CVR Conversion Rate 转化率CPA Cost per Action 按转化付费CPC Cost per Click按点击付费CPM Cost per Mille按千次展示付费CPS Cost per Sale按精售額付費CPT Cost per Time按时间付费creative广告创意CRM Customer Relation Management 客户关系管理 customized audience segmentation Elle,TFF & data exchange數掘交易平台DMIP Data Management Platform 数据管理平台 demand需求方demand constraint 需求约束DSP Demand Side Platform 需求方平台 demographical targeting 人口属性定向 direct response直接效果广告 display advertising 展示广告 downhill simplex method 下降单纯形法 dynamic allocation 动态分配EDM E-mail Direct Marketing邮件定向营销广告 EM Expectation-Maximization 最大期望EC Expected Click 期望点击 eCPM Expected Cost per Mille千次展示期望收入 experimentation framework 实验框架 ESKE Explore and Exploit 探索与利用 frequency capping 频次控制GaP Gamma-Poisson Y 泊松GLIMI Generalized Linear Model 广义线性模型GSP Generalized Second Price 广义第二高价 geo-targeting 地域定向 gradient descent柳度下降法GD Guaranteed Delivery 担保式投送HVM High Water Mark 高水位算法 hyper-local targeting 精确位置定向IDFA Identifier for Advertising 广告专用用户标识符IIS Improved Iterative Scaling 改述的迭代縮放IR Information Retrieval 信息检索integrated marketing 整合营销IMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityIADB Interactive Advertising Bureau 交互广告局 inventory 库存IDF Inverse Document Frequency 例数文档频率 landing page 落地页LDA Latent Dirichlet Allocation 潜在狄利克雷分配LSA Latent Semantic Analysis 潜在语义分析L-BFGS Limited-memory BFGS f Pop*g f BFGSLR Logistic Regression 逻辑回归look-alike新客推荐ML Machine Learning 机器学习MRP Market Reserve Price 市场保留价MRA Maximal Representative Allocation 最大代表性分配MAP Maximinuunn a Posterior 最大后驗概率ME Maximum Entropy 最大癇mechanism design 机制设计media buying platform 媒介采买平台ML Mixture Model 混合模型MoG Mixture of Gaussians 高斯混合模型mobile ad移动广告MAB Multi-Arm Bandit 多臂老虎机native ad原生广告network optimization 网络优化NFP North Foot Print北区广告平均条数off-site recommendation 站外推荐online allocation 在线分配PII Personal Identifiable Information 个人可辨识信息personalized recommendation 个性化推荐personalized retargeting 个性化重定向 position auction 位置拍卖PR Precision/Recallpreferred deals 优选premium sales优先销售pricing 定价PMP Private Marketplace 私有交易市场PILSII Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexingprogrammatic trade 程序化交易query查询reach到达率RTB Real Time Bidding 实时竟价ROC Receive Operating Characteristic 接收机操作特性 remnant inventory 剩余流量 retargeting 重定向ROI Return on Investinent 投入产出比RPM Revenue per Mille千次展示收益rich media ad富媒体广告search ad搜索广告SEM Search engine marketing 搜索引擎背銷search retargeting 搜索重定向second price 第二高价SVD Singular Value Decomposition 奇昇值分解site retargeting网站重定向social ad社交广告sponsored search 付费搜索SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent 随机様度下降stream computing 流计算sufficient statistics 充分統計量supply供给方supply constraint 供给约束SSP Supply Side Platform 供给方平台targeted advertising 定向广告TD Trading Desk 交易终端TF Term Frequency 词频textual ad文字链广告topic model文本主题模型 traffic forecasting 流量预测TP Traffic Protection 流量保护traffic shaping 流量塑形UCB Upper Confidence Bound 置信上界VSM Vector Space Model 向量空间模型 vertical ad network垂直广告网络VCG Vickrey - Clarke - Grovesvideo ad视频广告WA Web Analytics 网站分析
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