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SSP高考版12月刊听力材料及答案A1 头版新闻Choose the best meaning of the words in bold.1-5 AABABTranslate the following phrases or sentences into English.1. a global conservation priority area2. protecting its entire biodiversity, both marine and terrestrial3. numerous smaller islands together totaling 603 km2 of land4. Their culture and language is slowly being integrated with the recent migrants.5. lay eyes on6. fall under ones spell7. a handful of bold and enterprising people8. The flat-topped mountain has withstood six million years of erosion.9. boast numerous rare and endangered species10. Table Mountain hosts the richest, yet smallest floral kingdom on earth with over 1,470 floral speciesA2 新闻回顾Choose the best meaning of the words in bold.1-4 ABAA Translate the following phrases or sentences into English.1. The government is pushing through new measures to prevent such serious school bus accident.2. Being careless and impatient was blamed for his failure in the game.3. His rich work experience gave him a privilege to moving onto the final round of the game directly.4. Currently finishing the book prioritizes all of my work.5. He has been awarded the prize in five consecutive years.A3 拓展阅读I. 1-5 CABEDII. 1-5 CABDCI. 1. The meeting hall can accommodate as many as 1,000 people.2. He began to throw many kinds of questions at me before I walked in.3. The iPhone 4S is available in the Chinese mainland market.4. To maintain their edge in market share, many shopping malls have come up with many kinds of promotions.5. The government has put forward specific measures to combat the problem of school bus safety.A4 拓展阅读I. 1-5 BEACDII. 1-5 BACCDIII. 1. Some parents propose that students should be assigned less homework over weekends so as to spend more time on their hobbies.2. The sharks are under threat from the high demand for shark fins.3. Whether Greenwich Mean Time will be abolished remains unknown now.4. Currently, the government is pushing citizens to use this new kind of energy-saving bulb.5. We are going to vote on who will be the new monitor next Monday.B3、13语法专项试题训练答案1-5 BDBDA 6-10 ADAAB 11-15 CDBAD 16-20 ACDDA 21-25 DBDBB 26-30 BBCDB 31-35 ACBBC 36-40 DCCAD 41-45 CADAB 46-50 CCDCD综合练习(A) 15 BAACD 610 ACABC 1116 CDBCBC综合练习(B) 15 DBACA 610 BDBCD 1116 BBCCDAB4 词汇(A) 1-5 DA I F B 6-9 J C H E(B) 1-5 E G J A F 6-9 C H I D(C) 1-5 J I A B C 6-9 H F G EB6 完形填空记叙文:1-5 CADCD 6-10 BCBDC 11-15 AABDC议论文:1-5 DACBA 6-10 DBCAD 11-15 BCBAD说明文:1-5 BACCA 6-10 DBADB 11-15 ACBADB7-9阅读理解2008年高考小标题选择80. 本题的正确答案为E。从第一句的“causes”和第二句的“factors”可以推测知本段的大意是讲述“什么因素导致了饮食健康的失调”,所以选择E项。81. 本题的正确答案为F。从第二段大意知道,本段主要是说“一个人在日常生活中怎么会发展成饮食失调的”,所以答案就是F。82. 本题的正确答案为C。从第一句“一旦一个人患了饮食健康失调,就不容易治愈”知这段就是讲“在治疗饮食失调时的困难”的,所以选择C项。83. 本题的正确答案为B。本段的中心句是“Therefore, it is important for each person in our society to try to maintain a healthy and realistic self-image.”因此,本题答案就是B。84. 本题的正确答案为A。通过阅读本段,可以归纳得出答案“要保持一个平衡的饮食”。2009年高考小标题选择80. 本题的正确答案为F。通过阅读本段得知,本段介绍了abridged dictionaries,即删减版词典的一些特征,从段落的第一句就可以一窥本段的基本大意。虽然在段落最后列举了两种删减版词典,但全段的主要内容并非介绍各种删减版词典,而是罗列了删减版词典的一些特征,如所收入的词条数、略语表、人物和地区名称等。列举的两种删减版词典只不过是用举例子的方式让读者对于删减版词典有一个更好的认识。因此正确答案为F81. 本题的正确答案为D。通过阅读第一段可得知abridged dictionaries是删减版词典,因此根据构词法可知unabridged dictionaries就是完全版词典。本段主要介绍了完全版词典的一些特征,因此可知正确答案为D。82. 本题正确答案为C。根据本段第一句可知本段主要介绍了词典里此条所应具备的要素,因此正确答案为C。83. 本题正确答案为B。根据本段第一句和第二句可知在本段中作者将着重描述各种词典的电子版以及网络版,且在后文中online dictionaries被提及了很多次,因此应选择B。84. 本题正确答案为E。本段第一句为段落的主题句,意义为“那些专业词典会提供有关某领域详细的信息”,段中的其它内容均为举例说明,因此E为正确答案。2011年春季高考简答题81. 本题参考答案为heart disease and high blood pressure。根据第一段they suggest that retirees are more likely to suffer from depression and possibly higher rates of other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.可知答案为heart disease and high blood pressure。本题的关键在于看懂原文中的such as即为题干中的like。82. 本题参考答案为mentally and physically。根据第三段The researchers also found an 81% drop in reports of both mental and physical fatigue over the same time period.可得出此答案。83. 本题参考答案为The decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms.读懂文章第五段可知,improvement即指代前文的the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms.84. 本题参考答案为more of a financial safety net。根据文章最后一段可知,如果一些像法国那样的欧洲国家政府决定改变养老金计划,削减退休人员的养老金的话,就会造成以下后果:with less of a financial safety net, workers may no longer seem so mentally and physically happy to be out of work. 即退休工人在减少财政安全感的情况下,可能在退休没有工作后再也不会身心愉悦了。也就意味着,只有带着more of a financial safety net,退休才可能让人更加幸福。本题答题的关键在于读懂最后一段,并进行逆向思维,将原文中的less改成more。学业水平考试填空题模拟训练(A)1. 本题参考答案为local people and visitors。根据文中最后一段可知,清迈城市艺术与文化中心建立的目的既是为了教化当地民众,也是为了宣传当地的艺术文化。本题问的是该中心面向的受众人群,因此答案为local people and visitors。2. 本题参考答案为the rear section。根据文中第一段的中心简介可知,纪念品商店在中心大楼的后部,即the rear section。3. 本题参考答案为Chiang Mai。根据文中第二段可知,清迈曾经是兰纳王国的首都,因此其国王必定曾在清迈居住,因此答案为Chiang Mai.4. 本题参考答案为proud of their local identity。根据文中第三段可知,清迈城市艺术与文化中心建立的目的之一是为了通过宣扬当地艺术文化,增强当地民众的骄傲感(foster a sense of pride in local identity)。根据句子
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