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绿色生活低碳生活演讲稿绿色生活 低碳生活演讲稿:The way t wrlds future-lw carbn life“lw-carbn” is ne f the mst ppular buzz-wrds in this year. Nt nly China but all cuntries fcus n the tpic f “lw-carbn”. Here, Id like t share my wn eperience abrad with yu. Several years ag, I was very lucky t have an pprtunity t live in the Australia abut half a mnth. During that time, Nt nly did I enjy the beautiful natural scenery there, but als I appreciated the peples active way f prtecting their envirnment. Nw, whenever the envirnment prtectin is mentined, the beautiful scenery f Australia will arise in my mind, white cluds flying acrss the blue sky, green grassplt sprinkled with clrful flwers and lvely squirrels playing happily amng the trees. As a citizen f China, if everyne can actively prtect the envirnment in ur daily life and if we wuld like t reduce ur carbn ftprint, the scenery f blue sky, green grass and lvely animals in Australia will appear in China, even in HeFei.But I ttally supprt the view, that is t say, Emtin withut actin is irrelevant! D yu unplug electrnics after yu use them? D yu switch ff everything befre yu g t sleep? D yu adjust yur TV screen a bit dimmer t save energy? D yu re-use water fr different activities arund the huse? Each f these seemingly insignificant adjustments in yur daily life can make a difference in saving the envirnment f tmrrw.We all knw that nthing is mre cmfrtable than sitting in the warmth f a hearted car while its snwing and hailing utside in the freezing cldBut with glbal warming anling becming mre pressing by the day, nt t mentin yur wn health, take a walk ,ride a bike ,reduce yur carbn ftprint n the envirnment .It is said that tiny streams can be cmbined int a vast cean, small trees can be an immense frest, and every little makes a mickle.“lw-carbn” is nt just a buzz-wrd but a gal that peple frm all ver the wrld wanna get. S, reduce carbn ftprint! Reduce damage! Save energy! Save the wrld! Thanks fr yur listening.
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