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备课时间:2014 年11 月 28 日 上课时间: 年 月 日 第 节课 题Module 10 Unit 1 It might snow教学目标1. Function: Describing the weather.2.Structure: may, might, probably (for possibility)3. Listening and understanding familiar topics (weather).教学重点Describing the weather.教学难点Grammar: The using of may, might, probably (for possibility)教学准备Tape recorder, OHP, video教 学 教 程集 体 备 课 思 路个 人 补 充 调 整Step 1 Warming upWeather report: 1) Show some pictures of the weather. 2) Ask and answer: Whats the weather like in ?Step 2 Work in pairs.1. Show some pictures of the weather. Ask the students to talk about the weather.2. Introduce the new words.1) sun n. 太阳 sunny adj. 晴朗的2) rain n. 雨 rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的3) cloud n.云 cloudy adj. 多云的4) snow n.雪; v. 下雪 snowy adj.多雪的;下雪的5) wind n.风 windy adj.多风的;刮大风的6) storm n. 暴风雨 stormy adj.有暴风雨的7) shower n. 阵雨; showery adj.有雷阵雨的3. Learn the new words.4. Read the new words.5. Exercises:边学边练:根据句子意思,用适当的词填空:1) It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. Its often _.2) Therere a lot of clouds. Its _.3) The weather is snowy and theres a lot of _ in the park.4) The sun is out. Its very _ and hot today.5) The wind is very strong. Its so _ that its difficult to walk.6. Ask the students to check with a partner.7. Check the answers: Keys: 1. rainy 2. cloudy 3. snow 4. sunny 5. windy8. Learn the new words.Step 3 Listening1. Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the box.2. Ask and answer like this:Whats the weather like in Beijing / Shanghai ?3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.4. Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the box.5. Ask the students to check their answers with a partner.6. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.7. Work in pairs. Correct the wrong information in the table.Step 4 Listen and read.1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4. Read the conversation.Step 5 Check ( ) the true sentences.1. Ask the students to read the conversation again.2. Now check ( ) the true sentences.1) Tony and Daming are going to skate.2) Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3) It sometimes snows in England in winter.4) It usually snows in New York in winter.5) It is not hot in the US in summer.6) Tony doesnt like windy weather.3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers: Keys:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Step 6 Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to complete the passage with the words in the box.dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When its very cold, it might be safe to (1) _ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) _ feel cold, it might not be safe. The (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even lower for several weeks, and the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is (6) _. Im not (7) _!2. Check with a partner.Keys: 1. skate 2. may 3. temperature 4. minus 5. degree 6. dangerous 7. joking5. Read the passage by yourself.
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