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附录:IELTS口语考试常用词语1 家庭、婚姻姓 family name; surname名 given name辈分 position in the family hierarchy传统观念 traditional ideas核心家庭 nuclear family大家庭 extended family直系家庭 stem family标准家庭 standard family传统家庭 traditional family单亲家庭 single-parent family单亲爸爸 father in a single-parent family单亲妈妈 mother in a single-parent family家长统治 patriarchal rule孝顺 filial piety孝顺 to show filial obedience孝子 dutiful son岳父 father-in-law岳母 mother-in-law姐夫 brother-in-law嫂子 sister-in-law女婿 son-in-law媳妇 daughter-in-law叔(伯) uncle姨(姑) aunt侄女 niece侄子 nephew堂兄(妹) cousin养子 adopted son养女 adopted daughter养父(母) adopted parent寡妇 widow鳏夫 widower平均寿命 life expectancy; life circle安乐死 euthanasia代沟 generation gap订婚 get engaged求婚 proposal大男子主义 male chauvinism女权主义者 feminist生育控制 birth control人口控制 population control避孕措施 contraceptive method绝育 sterilization人工流产 induced abortion人口普查 census出生高峰 birth peak出生率 birth rate婚宴 wedding banquet晚礼服 evening gown新娘礼服 bridal dress婚纱 bridal veil彩礼 betrothal gifts; bride-price花轿 bridal sedan chair未婚妻 fiancee未婚夫 fiance新郎 bridegroom新娘 bride订婚戒指 band; engagement ring伴娘 brides maid结婚戒指 diamond; wedding ring伴郎 groomsman; best man结婚登记 marriage registration媒人 matchmaker结婚典礼 marriage ceremony蜜月 honeymoon结婚证 marriage certificate婚姻状况 marital status同居 cohabitation求婚 courtship婚姻关系 maritalrelations婚姻破裂 maritalbreakdown婚姻介绍所 themarriageagency征婚广告 matrimonialadvertisement离婚 divorce离婚者 divorcee离婚率 divorce rate重婚 bigamy重婚者 bigamist再婚 remarry姘妇 concubine怀孕 to bear a child性别歧视 sex discrimination平等对待 be treated equally经济独立 be financially independent计划生育 planning-birth计划生育委员会 Family Planning Commission人口密集 thickly populated人口稀少 sparsely populated独生子女政策 one-child policy请产假 on maternity leave后代 offspring遗产 heritage一代人 generationB超 B scan2 中外部分节庆日新年 New Years Day春节、 The Spring Festival元宵节 The Lantern Festival国际劳动妇女节 International Working Womans Day清明节 Qing Ming Festival青年节 Youth Day端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival中秋节 The Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival国庆节 National Day情人节 Valentines Day愚人节 April Fools Day复活节 Easter五一国际劳动节 May Day国际红十字节 International Red Cross Day国际护士节 International Nurses Day母亲节 Mothers day父亲节 Fathers Day美国独立日 Independence Day联合国日 United Nations Day感恩节 Thanksgiving Day圣诞节 Christmas3气候和环境中雨 moderate rain阵雨 shower雷阵雨 thunder shower大雨 heavy rain倾盆大雨 downpour雷雨 storm thunderstorm冰雨 sleet闪电 lightening微风 breeze阵风 gusty大风 strong wind台风 typhoon旋风 whirlwind飓风 hurricane龙卷风 tornado霜冻 frost冰雹 hail薄雾 mist烟雾 smog温和的 balmy闷热的 sultry阴暗的 overcast污水处理厂 sewage treatment plant潮湿的 humid零下 below zero废物再利用 recycling土壤腐蚀 soil erosion空气污染源 air polluter水污染物 water pollutants酸雨 acid rain森林砍伐 deforestation沙漠化 desertification冷冰冰的 chilly沼气 marsh gas消烟器 smoke-reduction device无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline可替代能源 alternative energy sources绿化造林 afforestation工业粉尘-污染 industrial dust pollution废物综合治理 integrated waste management太阳能 solar energy白色污染 white pollution4家务、设备、蔬菜和烹饪厨房帮手 kitchen hand 钟点 hour-worker 倒垃圾 empty the dustbin 家务活 household chore擅长烹调 good at cooking日常用品(必需品) daily necessities洗衣机 washing machine洗碗机 dishwasher吸尘器 vacuum cleaner抽油烟机 range hood抽水马桶 water closet;flush toilet微波炉 microwave stove; microwave oven热水器 water heater;geyser空调机 air conditioner电饭锅 electric cooker; rice cooker电冰箱 refrigerator煤气炉 gas stove煤气灶 gas range;gas cooker乱七八糟 in a mess整齐干净 tidy and clean整洁的厨房 a neat kitchen豌豆 pea芹菜 celery茄子 eggplant花椰菜 cauliflower竹笋
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