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河南省郑州市20132014学年下期期末试卷七年级 英语 (时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)二、单项选择。(15小题,每小题分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一份最佳答案,兵在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Jane lay _tenis eery SaurdyA.a C. the D. . Wld yu like some_ o et? - Jut little, eae. cik B. orange C. crro D.appls.Hw ayuolDa latweek? -I was _ a so much fu.A. borng . great C noisy D.trribl24.A oodteacer s g _all prolms i cla. . a B ith C.for t25.Myousn _asa acher fie yers ag.A. work B wos C. is woing D. wok26. Tom,_doolkegiraffe? -Wl,bcaus te are vy ta andcute. her Bwhy C. when D. ow27. It isinteesting o me_ straweries onte frA. pick B. pcked pickg . to pick28. Tomi not feelin well and dosnt wat to eat _.A. anyting .evrthing .othng D. someting2. I _tke ata tcholbecausto expsiv.A neve B lway C.ote D. ualy3. Was wron with ,Er? Youlook tied -I _ te stdfor the final em astniht.A.piced up B wok C. stayu . pt up1.Ho do you keep hthy? -I dont tuchmt,_Idoexeris very dayA. or . o C. but Dnd32. om ha a eadahe, so e_ go to school toda.A. n .cat . ust . mustnt3. hn yocross te sreet, you ust lok tways firt. -_.re,I il. B. o idea. C Havea gdie. D. oreelome.34. The sg mens “_”. It tellsueto be carful.A.Prkn B.Dagr C Turinglet D Going ong3 _? -It riin aviy w.A. Does often rain B. trainC Whast wathrlike . Howwathe rin三、完形填空。(0小题,每小题1分,共1分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。BA EWS: Shrly Tepl, the greatest Americn hid sta,did Febury1, 21 a te age of86 hewaa lely lite girl _36_ blone cury hai And lso she was a goo _37_. When shewas thre,Shrleybegan to makeesnd son cam faou oiestar henhe wassix ysold, sh 38_ m poplr movies n936,he made $50, htya. Peolecald _39_ “Lttle Miss rle”.Fom193 to 13, lif wa_0_ i theUA. Maypp ddnt have ob, _41_lots poor peoplepaid oney to goto th cinema o _ Siley Tple People fel happy _3_ he sanand dced. Moters wantdthr _4 tohavecurlai like Sirley emple. Littegirlsplaye wih Shiey Tepe dollEvery lovedlittleShirley. Popl s herprets Onher eigt bthd,she got 1,00 caes.Sh ot5,000 eters from eans a wee. Enow, epl ae _5_ watching her movies. ( ) 3. . i . ith C. of D. abut( ) 37. A. atss . writer .player D. tacher( ) 38. A. .mad C. sold . saw( ) 3. A. t B.im C.er D. tem( ) 40. Aexciting B. happ . as Dhard( ) 1.A.s B and C. o D bt( ) 2. A vsit . e wath D.call( ) 43.en B. whe C.becuse D.how( ) 4. A. sise B brthers C on D. daughes( )4. . still . e C. nev .js四、阅读理解。(2小题,每小题1分,共0分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按要求做题。Joan workd in ospil a nurs ne evenin there wa big dance at the hosil Most the doctrs nussent there,but of courssomboyhd tolok afte th sikchdre, and oan w ot aong the ucones. h lkeddacgvermuch,but sh hadt wo h eveinwen hr friendserat the danc he fet veryorry for se.She went to ech sick childoe feranothand saidgod ht unil se cameto oe little , Die. Hews levenyea od. Poricke wabadly ill, ad nowe cld onl mveis hds. Bu se was ways hpp ad was alays thnkin outother peoplbut not himse.Dikeykw tat Jan lve dancng, sonwhen he mt sa goodnight o ,he id, “Im vry sory tat yucnt go t ance beaus o. ut we aeongoae art for yo. f you lo indrae, yu wl fn apiece ocke.I sv
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