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八年级上期英语第三次月考试题听力部分(共20分)一、听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1分)1 . A. For about a monthB. It is near here.C. Twice a week2 . A. Im an actorB. I have a sore throatC. I sleep late3 . A. Going to the beachB. In Hong KongC. Next month4 . A. Every day B. In a schoolC. By bus5 . A. Next SundayB. Sure, Id love toC. Youre welcome二、听对话及问题,选择正确答语(每小题1分)6. A. Every dayB. Once a weekC. Twice a week7. A. She had a headacheB. She had s sore backC. She had a toothache8. A. Her mother.B. Her fatherC. Her cousin9. A. She is quieter than LisaB. She is more outgoing than Lisa C. She is more serious than Lisa10.A.This eveningB. This Saturday afternoonC. This Sunday morning三、听长对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分)11. Whats the matter with Dave ?A. He has coldB. He has a toothacheC. He has a stomachache12. What time did Dave have lunch ?A. At 11:40B. At 12:00C. At 12:4013. What didnt Dave eat for lunch?A. BeefB. Ice creamC. Rice14. What does Dave get from Miss Black ?A. Some fruitB. Some medicineC. Some hot water15. What is Dave going to do this evening ?A. Go to bed early.B. Go to his friends partyC. Go to the movies.四、听长对话,完成表格,每空词数不限(每小题1分)WhoWhereHowWhat to doHow longJackTo_16_By bus_17_For _18_HelenTo New York_19_20_For five days笔试部分(共100分)一、单项选择(共30分)A)从所给的A、B、C、D中,选出与句子中划线部分意思相同或相近的,并能替代的最佳选项。(每小题1分)21. My father usually rides his bike to work.A. takes his bike to workB. goes to work by his bikeC. goes to work by bikeD. by bike to work22. A number of students like playing computer games.A. MuchB. A lotC. ManyD. A few23. Not all students like sports. A. All students B. Every student C. Some students D. No students 24. If you are tired, you should stop working.A. to work B. to restC. restingD. having a rest25. We usually get up at around 6:30 every morning.A. about B. overC. duringD. maybeB)从所给的A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)26 Today she came to school _ a school bus, not _ car.A. on, byB. on, onC. by, onD. by, by27. _ is it from here? Ten minutes walk.A. How longB. HowC. How farD. How often28. We should eat _ food and it is good for our _.A. healthy; health B. health; healthC. healthy; healthy D. health; healthy29. Eating a lot of vegetables _ good _ our health.A. is, toB. are, forC. are, atD. is, for30. I spent three hours_ this book.A. finish readingB. to finish readingC. finishing readD. finishing reading31. Thanks for _ my grandpa when I was away.A. looking atB. looking forC. looking afterD. looking over32. Youre too heavy. You should eat _ meat.A. muchB. lessC. fewD. little33. There isnt _ with your watch. It works well.A. wrong somethingB. anything wrongC. something wrongD. wrong anything34. _ today? Its Saturday, the 13th.A. When isB. What is C. What day is D. What date is35. I didnt know the result of the match _ you told me.A. afterB. until C. whenD. if36. _ students in our class like playing computer games. They think its too boring.A. AllB. MostC. SomeD. No37. Can you come to my party on Tuesday, Joe?_, but I have to babysit my brother.A. Sure, Id love toB. Sorry, I cantC. Id love toD. No, I cant38. Dont forget _ the door when you leave.A. closeB. to closeC. closingD. closed39. When are you leaving for Shanghai? _ the 5th of December.A. InB. AtC. OnD. With40. Our garden isnt so _ as theirs. A. larger B. large C. bigger D. smaller 41.Simon watches TV three_ four_ a week. A. and, times B. and, time C. or, times D. or, time 42.We _ used (使用) computers many years ago, but now theyre everywhere. A. always B. often C. usually D. hardly ever43. _ hours do you sleep every night? Eight hours. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often44. Its important _ us _English well. A. of, learning B. for , to learn C. of, to learn D. with ,learn 45. Who is the man over there ?Is it Mr. Black ? It _ be him. He is much taller. A. cant B. mustnt C. must D. may 46. A: How much yogurt does your mother need? B: She needs_.A. two yogurt B. two yogurts C. two teaspoons of yogurts D. two teaspoons of yogurt47. A: May I have _ slice of bread with butter, Im still hungry. B: Certainly. Here you are.
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