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常用商务信函写作实例与训练1. 建立贸易关系 (Establishing Trade Relations) 一个公司,一家企业,要想进入市场,寻找货源,求生存,求发展,最首要的工作是与别的商家建立 贸易关系。达此目的的途径很多,如阅读广告、参加交易会、参观访问、引荐介绍等。此外,还可以直接 通过书信的形式建立贸易关系。建立贸易关系信函的写作可以按照以下步骤进行:1) 告诉对方从何种途径获得对方的信息 (如:通过得知)。2) 写明去函的目的:了解对方经营产品的情况;提供本公司产品的情况。3) 希望保持联系。 另外,信函措辞应礼貌诚恳、热情、表达清楚透彻。实例Dear Sir,We have seen your name in various trade magazines and we understand that you have been supplying EPSON STYLUS printers of the best quality to all places over China for these 2 yearveWe should like to offer you our service as a trading firm of office appliances, and we ha offices or representatives in almost all major cities in East China towns. In addition, we operate our own advertising agency. According to our market investigation report there is a large demand for office appliances in China. Therefore we should be obliged if you would advice us whether you have a mind to establish business relation with us by return mail.Yours sincerely,John Waine常用套语1. As your name and address appear on Yangtse Evening Post, we are writing to you with a desire to open an account with you / to establish business relation with you.我们在扬子晚报上看到贵公司的名称和地址,非常希望与贵方建立商务关系。2. We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of. 我们作为主要的出口商之一,经营3. We are enjoying an excellent reputation and we should like to offer you our service. 本公司具有良好的信誉,并愿意向贵方提供服务。4. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchanging needed goods.我方乐于在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵方建立贸易关系。5. Your desire to establish direct business relations with us coincides with ours.贵方与我建立直接的贸易关系的愿望与我方打算相吻合。6. We are also enclosing a catalogue showing the details of our line. 附上一本我公司经营产品的详细目录。7. .that youll be quite satisfied with our goods and service. 贵方将对我们的货物及服务满意。2. 销售信函 (Sales Letter) 推销产品是商务活动中一重要环节,其目的是要吸引对方的注意,激发购买欲望,最后售出货物。销 售信函内容应包括:1) 介绍所推销产品的情况,如性能、价格等较同类产品的优越。2) 附带一些优惠条件或帮助。此类信函需措辞得当、简洁精练、语气肯定、具有说服力。忌离题、冗长、华而不实。实例Dear Sirs,In the field of salted food in Jiangsu, NANJING SALTED DUCK from the Nanjing Xue Hua Duck Group has been considered the best for quite a long time .Competitions help increase itsquality and attraction. Its reputation and recommendation are spread by everyone who tastes it. NANJING SALTED DUCK is now sold in large quantities to South-east Asian countries every year Our company also supplies cured meat (腊肉),sausage, bacon, etc In addition to a trade discount stated we would allow you a first order discount of 5%. You will find enclosed leaflets of our latest productsWe look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Lin Ping常用套语2.1. We take pleasure in enclosing the latest catalogue of. / price list of. 我方十分乐意为您(贵方)寄上我们最新的商品目录 / 价格表。2.2. This item, superior in quality and moderate in price, is sure to be salable in your market.本产品质量上乘,价格适中,在你方市场一定有销路。2.3. We expect you to try our products and are sure that you would be pleased with.希望贵方使用我方的产品,相信贵方对定会感到满意。2.4. We inform you that since price is subject to change, please put an order before 8 Oct. if possible.敬告贵方,由于价格可能变动,如果可能请在 10 月 8 日前订货。2.5. We regret that we have had no opportunity to do business with you. 很遗憾我方与贵公司仍未有生意往来。2.6. The high quality of our product is well known and universally acknowledged. 我方产品的高质量已是众所周知,并得到广泛认可。2.7. We stand ready to serve you.我们随时乐意为您提供服务。3. 定购函 (Letter of Order)定购函是商贸活动中一种必不可少的例行手续。它通常是贸易双方经过电话、电报、面读等方式洽谈 或协商,将交易谈成后,买方以书面形式对定购事宜进行确认的信函形式。订货函的内容及撰写原则是:1) 感谢买方提供货物报价。2) 准确陈述所定购商品的名称、货号、质量、规格、单价以及自己能接受的报价。4) 说明运货条件:时间,地点,方式,运费支付,包装,保险等。5) 确认付款方式。目前,许多大型公司除使用订货函外,还一并附订货单。卖方收到买方的定购函和订货单后应该尽快 确认。实例Dear Sirs,Subj. Cotton Wash-And-Wear DressThank you for your quotation of 18 April together with sample dresseserThe quality, the style and the prices are satisfactory and we are pleased to place an orcfor the following sizes (Please refer to the Purchase Order enclosed) on condition that they will be supplied from stock at the price in last December quotation. Our usual terms of payment arc by D / P 40 days at sight (40 天付款交单)and we hope this will be accepted.erWe expect to find a good market for this kind of dress and hope to place further and larg orders with you in the near futureYours sincerely,Accepting an OrderDear Sirs,We are pleased to receive your order of 22 April for cotton wash-and-wear dresses We accordingly accept the order and shall arrange delivery before 1 May.We hope they will reach you in the stated time and expect to have further orders from you Yours sincerely,常用套语3. 1. Thank you for your order of. (date). 感谢贵方(日期)的定购。3. 2. We accept the trading terms youve quoted and enclose our official Order No. 我方接受贵方所报的交易条件,并附上我方正式定单,第号。3. 3. The ordered goods are in urgent need and your prompt delivery will be appreciated. 所定货物急切需要,如蒙迅速交货,不胜感谢。3. 4. We should be glad if you would let us know whether. 如贵方告知是否我方
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