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复试英语自我介绍优秀复试英语自我介绍优秀范文复试英语自我介绍范文一Goo moring/afernon, m deaproessor. amverylad to be ere for yorinterview Myame is _,_ yar ld I come frm_, a very beautifu ity. My ndegradute riodil eaccomished i_neriy Jul, 202X. Ad now, I am tryingy bst forobtaiigakey o _ niversity. Gerlly speakin, am a ard-wrkig tuent I will ty my best t fiish n attr how diffcult itI was sophoe, I founwb deignvery interesting, soI lere t vey had.T wave a homeae for myslf, Itaed with my ronal couer fralf moth, and am tfirst e inmy clawhoo his hopgeurthermre, m peron with great svernce. urin the a preparing forte irst exminatio, insist on runingeerday, no matter what the weaher wa lik. d just wnng o this, I cold centraeon my study and sceedd n t endWell, n my spartime, Ilikebakall,tens and Cnseches. Also,Enls is my favorite. oten g t Egsh onrt practice my oral Eglish oevery Tday,andwiecompoitions to imprve y witn abilit u I kow my English isot god enugh,I wil contnue sudying.Ok, tha all,hank yo fryur ten 复试英语自我介绍范文二 Goomrng, chers, Iam honored t be informd tohav thi ntrview. Introdueorself rstle me ntrodue myelf, mnameis XX, 2years ol, an David is my Eglsh nme. Ia open-minded, easy t dap, copaibe wth my friens,and willi tolpoters. o you hv any hbiesIn my sare time, like redn books, cllcting cads andcoins,playing lleybal, cmmunicting with riends, and s on. I lsoike Enlsh vry mc, I mfond ofwathing glh ilm n ltningto Egishsogs, I ased Col English Tst Band i Septeer, 202X,I o belivether is sill a onway for me tolern Engish wel enugh, wver Iwill t srink bak, Beaue Ireaiz thEngish s brdge cnnctu cuty wththoutsde wor.eani Enlshis themot direcnavailable meofor intcourse amog cunie ad alsoseful or us o gt danced knowedgeand tcholoy fro othernats
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