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准确表达故事背景一、表达时间1.at dawn/noon/dusk/night在黎明/在中午/在傍晚/在夜间2.in the late afternoon在傍晚3.three days later三天之后4.shortly after不久以后5.in the meantime与此同时6.on that winter afternoon在那个冬天的下午7.in my future life在我以后的生活中8.at the end of the summer在夏末9.in the following days在接下来的日子里10.after ending a days work结束了一天的工作后11.Days went by几天过去了12.It was getting dark天黑下来了13.They arrived soon after他们没多久就到了14.I waited till they returned我一直等到他们回来15.It was five oclock in the morning那是在早上五点钟16.It was daybreak when Jane woke up简醒来已是黎明17.Years seemed to run more swiftly then那些年似乎过得更快18.It occurred on the morning of the fifteenth事情发生在15号的上午19.At early morning I went up through the hillside woods清晨我穿越山坡的小树林20.On entering the garden I noted that spring had come round一走进花园我就发现春天已经到了二、表示地点与地理位置1.in nature在大自然中2.on the spot在现场3.in the woods在小树林里4.in the open wild在露天里5.on the top of the hill在山顶上6.in the gas station在加油站7.along the stream沿着小溪8.go a mile or so走了大约一英里9.to the east of the village在村子的东面10.on the other side of the forest在森林的另一边11.The town is ten miles away镇子在十英里之外12.At a distance, she spotted a misty figure在远处,她发现了一个模糊的身影13.Our hotel is within a stones throw of the beach我们的酒店离海滨仅咫尺之遥14.The ship struck a hidden rock beneath the surface of the water船撞上了水下的礁石15.We visited a small village off the map last summer去年夏天我们去了一个偏僻的小村庄16.He glanced at the map and told us that there would be a village less than twenty miles away他瞥了一眼地图,然后告诉我们,前面再走不到20英里就是一个村庄17.Arriving at the top of the hill,we were faced by a most impressive scene到达山顶时,呈现在我们面前的是一片令人惊叹的景色18.The small island is located somewhere on the Pacific coast.那个小岛位于太平洋沿岸某处使景物绘声绘色三、表达天气变化1.a stormy night暴风雨之夜2.be buried in snow深埋在雪中3.the wind-driven snow风雪交加4.the bright blue sky明朗的天空5.in the blinding rain在茫茫大雨中6.cool and refreshing breeze凉爽清新的风7.The fog is beginning to lift雾正在散去8.The snow soon melted away雪不久就化了9.The storm is at its height暴风雨下得正猛10.The rain wetted his clothes雨水弄湿了他的衣服11.The wind is whipping at my hair风吹打着我的头发12.The needle-cold wind pierced his face寒风如针,刺着他的脸13.Its raining cats and dogs outside now现在外面下着倾盆大雨14.The scorching sun beat down on my head火辣辣的太阳照在我的头顶15.That night, the temperature dropped below zero那天晚上,温度降到了零度以下四、描绘自然景色1.the beautiful scenery美景2.the limitless green grass无边的草地3.the beauty of the nature大自然的美4.the great sights along the way沿途的美景5.the countless stars in the curtain of nights夜幕下无数的星星6.the night with fresh air and millions of stars空气清新满天繁星的夜晚7.The beautiful scenery is beyond description这美丽的景色难以用语言形容8.The night settled in夜幕降临9.The sun sank behind the hills太阳落到山背后去了10.The lotus flowers are now in full bloom荷花正在盛开11.Moonbeams streamed in through a window月光从一扇窗户倾泻而入12.However, the lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful然而,湖水在落日的余晖下闪亮如镜,景色迷人13.There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire for company几乎没有风,只有篝火相伴14.The rose gives out a sweet smell, which promises to be a perfect day玫瑰花散发出香甜的味道,预示着美好的一天开始了15.In the distance, we could see the misty cloud rising from the lake, which remains fresh in my memory在远处,我们可以看到雾霭从湖的上方升起,那个情景我至今记忆犹新把人物描写鲜活五、描写人物的心理活动1.be full of joy充满欢乐2.with a light heart心情放松3.a mixture of excitement and happiness既兴奋又开心4.tremble with excitement激动地颤抖5.be down in spirits情绪低落6.feel hungry and exhausted感觉又饿又累7.with tears in his eyes眼里含着泪水8.be seized with sadness感觉很悲伤9.fall into despair陷入绝望10.with a heavy heart怀着沉重的心情11.feel shocked and ashamed感觉震惊并羞愧12.His heart leaped with joy他的心欢喜得怦怦直跳13.Tears of happiness flowed down流下幸福的泪水14.I saw her eyes well up with tears我看见她泪如泉涌15.He stamped his feet in anger他气得跺脚16.The crowd cheered and shouted happily人们欢呼着,高兴地喊着17.All of a sudden, the sadness on his face was wiped out突然,他脸上的悲伤消失了18.She felt within herself a sense of joy and happiness surging through her她内心深处洋溢着喜悦和幸福19.His dark eyes danced with pride, love and excitement他黑色的眼睛闪动着骄傲、爱和兴奋的光芒20.Hearing this, I felt very shocked and puzzled听到这话,我感到非常震惊和迷惑21.Although I was tired and in bad mood, I also felt warm and happy尽管我疲惫且心情不好,但是我依然感受到了温暖和幸福22.All the frustration and stress that had been building up inside of me came to a complete stop所有在我体内堆积起来的沮丧和压力都烟消云散了六、描写人物的个性品质以及外表外貌1.be optimistic and ambitious乐观并且有抱负2.a strong minded person一个意志坚定的人3.lovely and good-natured personality温和可爱的个性4.a well-built man一个身材魁梧的人5.have a good figure体型好6.a dark figure in the moonlight月光下有个模糊的人影7.wear shoulder-length hair留着齐肩发8.a girl in her early twenties一个20岁出头的姑娘9.tie in a pony tail扎了个马尾辫10.a weather-worn face一张饱经风霜的脸11.a quiet gracious lady一位娴静有礼的淑女12.an accomplished young lady一位年轻的才女13.be equipped with a keen insight具有敏锐的洞察力14.But he was kind and considerate但是他善良体贴15.Her lovely face looked pale她可爱
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