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四年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠25115-16人教版无答案 一、英汉互译1.上学 2.吃晚饭 . 3. 在星期五下午 4. at night . 5. 一节游泳课 6. get up at seven forty-five . 7. 回家 8. What a big cake! . 9. 在8:15 10. do my homework . 11. 在七点起床 12. do my homework . 13. 两节游泳课 14. watch TV at night . 15.九点钟睡觉 16. welcome to go home . 二、选择 1. a nice book! I like it very much.A. How B. What C. Whats 2. I usually go to school seven ten the morning.A. at,on B. on,in C. at,in 3. -Its seven fifteen in the morning. -Its time to .A. go to school B. have lunch C. go to bed 4. I watch TV at eight in the evening. Then然后I .A. go to bed B. go home C. have dinner 5. -Lets meet four Sunday afternoon. -OK.A. at; in B. at; on C. in; on 6. -I like Science. What about you? A. Me, too B. I like swimming C. I like cakes 7. -Do boys and girls go to school every day? - .A. Yes, they can B. No, thanks C. No, they dont 8. -Lets have a look at your timetable. -_!A. What a pity B. How nice C. Thank you. 9. - _ ? -Some cute horses.A. What can you see over there? B. Wheres the birds C. What color is it? 10. - _ ? -At four in the afternoon.A. What time is it? B. When do you go home C. When do you go to school( ) 11. I have breakfast_ six thirty _the morning.A. on; in B. at; on C. at; in ( ) 12. Its time for _ . A. go to school B. school C. goes to school三、搭配题。选择相应的答句 , 将序号填在题前括号里( ) 1. What lessons do you have ? A. Its five oclock.( ) 2. Who is the girl in red dress ? B. What a pity !( ) 3. How many books does Mike have ? C. .All right.( ) 4. What time is it now ? D. Ten.( ) 5. Yang Ling can see a thin boy over there. E. She is my sister.( ) 6. When do Su Hai and Su Yang go home every day ? F. She likes English and Science.( ) 7. Where is my new cap ? G. What a thin boy !( ) 8. Lets go to the library. H. We have PE and Art.( ) 9. Sorry. I have a football match on Sunday. I. At four fifty.( ) 10. What subjects does she like ? J. Its on the table.四、 连词成句1. go, morning, seven, to, I, in, fifteen, school, the, at, usually (.)2. _2. do, Music, have, when, a, you, lesson ( ? )_3. swimming, for, a, is, time, it, lesson (.)_4. two, every, she, lessons, Thursday, has, Chinese (.)_5. and, Miss, at, six, Su Hai, meet, Su Yang, Li, thirty (.)_五、将以下句子排列成通顺的对话A. Its Sunday. Lets go and play basketball.B. I hope (希望) you have a nice day.C. When do you have a swimming lesson ?D. What day is it today ?E. At nine in the morning. F. Sorry. I have a swimming lesson.六、翻译句子1.我常常在上午11点钟回家I go at in the . 2.你什么时候做你的家庭作业?在晚上6:30。do you do ? At six in the . 3. 我在每个星期六都没有课。I _ have _ lessons _ _.4. 苏海在下午放学后有一场足球比赛。Su Hai _ a _ _ _ _ in the afternoon.5. 我每天放学后踢足球。I usually _ _ _ _ after school.6. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。Mike has _ _ _ in the afternoon.7. 他们在晚上六点十分吃晚饭。They have dinner _ _ _ in the evening.七、阅读短文 ,选择My fathers dayMy father is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. He likes his job and his students. And the students like him too. He goes to work from Monday to Friday. He does not work on Saturday and Sunday. Every day, he gets up at five thirty. At six, he has breakfast. Then he goes running. He goes to school at seven. He has lunch at school. He goes home at five in the afternoon. At six oclock, he has dinner. He doesnt watch TV. He likes reading读books with me. He goes to bed at nine thirty. 1. Do all the students like my father? A. Yes,they do. B. No,they dont. C. We dont know.( 我们不知道) 2. My father is a .A. farmer农民 B. doctor医生 C. teacher教师 3. When does my father have breakfast? A. At five. B. At five thirty.
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