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有麻烦的英语短语翻译有麻烦的英语短语翻译篇1 我认为这是一个法律问题,麻省理工学院将有麻烦。 I would think that would be a legal issue that MIT would be in trouble. 如果你是在上班途中阅读这篇文章的,那么你的婚姻可能已经有麻烦了。 If you are reading this on your way to work, then your marriage may already be in trouble. 十几岁的孩子发生一些变化是非常正常的,不过如果孩子在个性或行为上出现巨大或持久的转变,这也许意味着孩子有麻烦,需要专业的帮助。 A certain amount of change may be normal during the teen years, but too drastic or long-lastinga switch in personality or behavior may signal real trouble the kind that needs professionalhelp. 目前,无论怎样,哪种类型的农场都有麻烦。 Now, however, every type of farm is in trouble. 例如,其中一人说:“我有麻烦了。 For e某ample, one says: “Im in trouble. 他会有麻烦吗? Is he in trouble? 在年龄上撒谎可能会让你有麻烦的。 Lying about your age can get you into trouble. 银行营救计划必须将有麻烦但可以救助的银行与那些应允许倒闭的银行区分开来。 Bank rescues must distinguish between banks that are troubled but can be saved and those that should be allowed to die. 他们更不可能会在学习方面更有麻烦,可能的是他们会停课或缺课。 They were also not more likely to have problems in school, be suspended or absent. 有麻烦的英语短语翻译篇2 兄弟俩现在有麻烦,除非苏克雷帮忙找到他们,不然很难脱险。 The brothers are in trouble, and will only get out of it if Sucre helps him find them. 他可能会有麻烦的”。 He might have been in trouble”. 在其他的省,放贷者想放出贷款也有麻烦,因为银行害怕违约继续增加,已经减少了给他们的贷款。 Lenders are also having trouble making new loans in other states, because banks have slowedlending to them as fears about defaults have grown. 资不抵债的污名如此强烈,尤其在家族企业中,所以企业主仅在太迟了的时候才承认他们有麻烦。 The stigma of insolvency is so strong, especially among family-owned firms, that owners mayadmit they are in trouble only when it is too late. 所以现在我们就有麻烦了,我认为这麻烦甚至比大多数人迄今为止意识到的更严重。 So now were in trouble deeper trouble, I think, than most people realize even now. 这意味着它们必须从一开始就谨慎地评估客户风险不然,当借款人有麻烦时,背包袱的就是自己。 That means they must prudently assess a customers risk from the outsetor face huge losseswhen borrowers run into trouble. 你怎么分辨自己或你认识的人有麻烦呢? How can you tell if you or someone you know is in trouble? 你怎么分辨自己或你认识的人有麻烦呢? How can you tell if you or someone you know is in trouble? 有麻烦的英语短语翻译篇3 1. People are saying if we dont buck up well be in trouble. 人们说,如果我们再不积极行动起来,我们就会有麻烦。 2. Theres trouble brewing. 要有麻烦了。 3. Some prevision warned the e某plorer of trouble. 某种预感警告探险者将有麻烦发生. 4. Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble. 3个月内旷课次数超过一次就可能有麻烦了。 5. In a tight spot there is no one I would sooner see than Frank. 有麻烦时,我会首先去找弗兰克。 6. Im certain Davids told you his business troubles. Anyway, its no secret that he owes money. 我敢肯定戴维已经告诉过你他生意上有麻烦了。反正他欠钱也不是什么秘密了。 7. A local friend who shall be nameless warned me that I was in for trouble soon. 一个不便说出其名的当地朋友警告我,我不久肯定会有麻烦。 8. He knew hed be in trouble with the bank if he overspent again; Ive helped him before, but this time Im leaving him to stew in his own juice. 他知道再次透支他会与银行有麻烦的, 过去我曾帮助过他, 但这次我只能让他自作自受了. 9. I thought we were in for Itsure, once there,said the second. “ 一到那里,我就知道我们准会有麻烦的, 第二个说. 10. Theres sure to be a fuss when they find the windows broken. 他们发现窗子打破后一定会有麻烦. 11. They always lean upon us when theyre in trouble. 他们有麻烦时总是依赖我们. 12. If you get in bad with the boss, youll have problems. 要是上司不喜欢你, 你就该有麻烦了. 13. Go out in couples, with friends who can help you in case of trouble. 结伴出行, 和可以在有麻烦的时候帮你的朋友一起. 14. Therell be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有麻烦了! 15. I think he has a mistress, and hes having trouble getting rid of her. 我想他有个情妇, 他也许在摆脱那个情妇上有麻烦. 看过有麻烦的英语短语翻译的相关知识的人还看了: 1.有麻烦的英语短语翻译 2.有几分的英语短语 3.有的英语短语 4.非常的英语短语翻译 5.带翻译的关于励志的英语短语 第 4 页 共 4 页
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