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北理口语陈述题范文共7篇北理口语陈述题范文 第一篇 更新一波: 很多同学都在问我,好奇现场是个什么样的情况,看下图 惊呆脸?这么简单的设备? 没错,这种已经很高级了,机房小,大多数高校会选择在大机房,为啥?傻不傻,盈利创收啊。口语考试会要求你至少提前半小时到场外等候,一般情况考场会安排好一间机房供考生候考,并循环播放考场规则和考试过程: 等上一波人考完了,就会喊你们从候考机房出来转战正式考试机房,按照程序提前就坐试音试设备后就等时间一到开始口语考试。 接下来 接下来 2023的四六级考试加油哦。 更新一波,满足一堆宝宝要六级口语攻略的要求,现呕心沥血推出六级口语考试实况直播,全真实考场实录指导哦: 再更新一波,大家关心等级的水平如何评定,这里给大家分值情况参考一下 口语考试满分15分! A+ 分 A 分 水平描述:能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。 B+ 分 B 分 水平描述:能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。 C+ 分 C 分 水平描述:能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。 分以下 水平描述:尚不具有英语口头交际能力。 2023年4月更新一波,针对各位同学私信,留言,评论,对真实考场的好奇,Lance这里把四六级官方真实口语考试录像传上来,祝各位宝宝们2023口语考试顺利! 由于知乎上传视频时限15分钟,所以不得不进行剪辑,口试时长共16分钟半,删去的是后面partner互动部分,互动结束后,界面会告知口试结束,然后显示上传答题包,提交成功,最后会提示可以离开考场。 更新添加一下,四六级样题供各位考生们参考练习: 四级口语样题 六级口语样题 这周末就马上要进行四六级的口语考试了,看到一堆关于这类的知乎邀请,Lance综合了一下,写了这篇四六级口语攻略,助各位宝宝们一臂之力。 首先打文之前,和大多数在中国学英语的考生们说句,莫怕四六级口语,因为相对简单,而且允许临时抱佛脚短时间练习来应付考试,所以这周就按照Lance给的方向进行口语全面开练吧。 下图是CET4 的口语考试内容 下图是CET6 的口语考试内容 下面以四级口语考试内容为例提供一些备考攻略,六级考生可以根据情况参考,其中有好些共通的地方。 一、自我介绍 四六级第一部分自我介绍,都是可以在考试之前提前背诵好,20s的表述时间,可以选择以下几点内容进行口语表达: 个人基本情况:姓名,年龄,出生地,专业,学校 个人兴趣爱好 性格志向. . 时间有限,不必面面俱到,所以大体介绍即可。例如: Hi. my name is Lance,a confident and optimistic boy. I am 19 years old and studying Freedom Science in Planet University. When it comes to the ambition, I have a great passion for being a freelancer in the future. Thank you. 本来仅仅是想随便举个范例,结果感觉写着写着,我是认真的。啊哈哈。 各位也可以说说 as for my hobbies,i like. my parents are.,who are strict with me. 等等,反正选几个你觉得有意思有特色的通俗易懂的就好,千万千万不要介绍完名字后,来一句how are you?I am fine.小学英语学得太好的效果,这绝对药丸的节奏了。 二、朗读短文 北理口语陈述题范文 第二篇 五、两人互动 这部分类似英语口语课堂的和同桌小讨论环节,只不过搬到考场上而已。你有一分钟的准备时间,和考场同伴3分钟的交流互动时间。做好这个环节的策略是: 1.提前根据考官设定的话题和内容场景,确定自己的表达主题和观点。 2.不要滔滔不绝,三分钟的绝杀,逼死你的队友,亲,不要以为这样可以全分收入,只会造成口语成绩惨败,而且你队友确实会被你坑死的,想好了经典绝伦的各种表达却无用武之地,真的会想拍死你。 所以作为和谐社会的一员,一定记住了,这是互动环节,要做到来回交流表达,除非在对方冷场时候,你可以适当帮助对方进行补充。 3.要有赞美别人的意识,当对方表达观点的时候,你可以说well,you are right./ yes,your words make sense.等等。然后引出自己的看法as far as i am concerned/as for myself/from my perspective. 4.语速别太快,因为要考虑能让对方清晰地接收到你的信息,否则他一脸懵逼,这就尴尬了。 北理口语陈述题范文 第三篇 首先是part1的 s the weather usually like in your hometown? The weather is quite extreme here, actually. I mean its humid and scorching in summer and freezing cold in winter. Although spring and autumn are rather mild and delightful, they are normally too short even to notice. season do you like best? What do you do in that season? My favorite season is winter. I usually enjoy snowflakes and play snowballs. I like to take a hot spring bath or make a massage in winter. Well, that would be fantastic! season do you think is most suitable for work and study? It must be the autumn. That is a joyful season with beautiful sceneries. Autumn weather is unpredictable and beautiful. It is the transition from hot to cold weather. Trees bare their leaves, birds migrate south and the nights are cool. the weather in your country changed much in the past few years? Yes, the weather in summer becomes hotter and muggier and the winter in Wuhan becomes chillier. the four seasons in your hometown. In winter, it has snow and everything is covered in white. In spring, its beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom, plus everything is green over again. In fall, all the leaves turn orange, red, and yellow, so it looks gorgeous. But summer sucks here because of the stupid hot weather you cant play sports without sweating buckets, you get hot and easily irritable and you cant do anything about it. 接着看下part2的个人陈述题,关于describe a bad weather you experience Well, one particularly unpleasant experience that sticks in my memory was the time I went to Huangshan with my mum and brother, which must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when my mum came over to visit me in Hangzhou. We had decided to go travelling to Huangshan as none of us had been there before, and wed heard a lot of great things about basically what happened was that we got caught in a big storm, which eemed to spring up out of nowhere, because one minute it was pretty sunny, and the next it was, quite literally, pouring down with rain, and I mean, REALLY chucking it down!What didnt help us was the fact that, at the time the storm hit, we were right on top of a mountain. and because we hadnt checked the weather forecast, we didnt have any umbrellas with us, so we got absolutely soaked!And the worst thing was, when we reached the cable car to get down the mountain, we were told that it had closed early for safety reasons, coz there were some flashes of lightening, and this apparently made the cable car unsafe to go we ended up having no choice but to walk down the mountain instead, and because it wa
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