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http:/cooco.net.cn 永久免费组卷搜题网Uit one FiendshipTahing ais:1. 能力目标:a. Listenig:etnfrmation nd ies om th listng matr;b. Speakng: pes ones attitd or iews autfriens a friend inapprpriate wrds.c. eading: nblethe Ss to get h an ided. Writing: writeso avice bout akg end as an editor2. 知识目标:a. alk abo friends adfrienshi; how to e frds; ow to mantain fredsipb. Ue heollowing xpesions:I hik s/ I donthink soagree. / don agree.Ta orect.O cours tExactl.Im afraid t.c.tonab theS to contrl dirt speec and idirec speec.voabulay: st , calm , oncern , loose, Neterlans,Grmn, eries,doos, usk, caz,urpose , thunde , nte, entirey, po, curtan,dusty, ane, sette, sffer , highway, rcovr, pack,suitase, ovrco,teene, xactly, diagree, gatfl, disik, t ,sp ,itmdd u cal dwn ae ot t bcnced abut wlk th dog gohough set n sries f on puroe in odr o at dusk fato face no lerno ny lg sferrom gee tied of c st. up geaog wih all in lov join n3 情感目标:a.To aose Ss interestin leanig glish;b.Tenorae Stbe active in eactivtie andake Ss tbe confidn;c deveoptheltyo opetewih the.4. 策略目标:a.To dlp Ss cnive strty: tkngotes wilestning;b. dvop Ss ommuictivetreies. 文化目标:to eal teSsto get to know differt opnins about maifrinds fro different countrie.Teachin steps: Priod one Ste1. armng p1. Ss listen oan ngish sogUD LNGYE. 2. raisormng: let s saysome ords about friendship honet, fiedl,ave, hurou,fnny, wise,kind, open-mid, epnsible, helpl.Ste 2 alk about yr old fiens 1. Ss talk abut hei old endsnunir idl choo,alk abute appearan, personality, ois, tc2. Sl-tructiotp3Mae ne frieds 1. Ss g arund d ask teirnewrends someinfrmation nd fl n e ollowingformNameAge/hobbi/aite spors,bos,2. Reporto theclss: wwil pobabybyr friend Wy?tep . osure S dothevey inthe tet,P1Se 5.Lisnig nd talkng Do Wb 4(Talin). Wle s isten to temteria, as th to ta ntes outthe spakers views ofmakin frind.hen Ss mae hei conversatin,ak tem to rto uset olowin xpresions.I nks / dot hin so. I gree. /I on ar.Thas corec. f corno. xactl. I araid notStep6.Discusio Divide Ss four n one gop and each grup choosea tioiscus. The re furtopcs.opic1:Wh do yo eedens? Make a lst ofreason w fried are ipoant o yo.oc 2:Thee i a saying “tohv a oodfren, you need to be a godfriend.” What yu tink ofthesayi and how canyoue oodrd?Topic : os aried layshae to be a persn?Wh else n be ur frnd? Why?Toi 4:List somqualites fapso o oes t make frin asily.Ste. ummary 1. AskSs themsevs o umarzewat isendshp and what ithe motimortant in ki frnds.2. T how moe nrmatioau fiedship andapoem ut riendship Wat friendhip?I wtt findt awer t he qustionWhat is rendsi?Weit an, I hinfriedshi s asmallumbrellt can ge mea piece of car.When I crying, Itink frinshi wit hachief.Ican wipem ters dryWhen I a d, I think frindshi is a arm ord.Itcnbring m appinesaain h I aintrouble, Ithikienship isa tron hand.I can el me escpe my troubles.We I sit n quiet plae, thin frendhp s a very wnderful felin.tcantbeulle nd on, baus it iiveryone heart.It is teeomte eningtte nd ofou lives. TllSs: ke ew friends ad keep te old; one issilv athe othe is ld.Ste 8. Evautin sfiih thefollwing evluaton form. Stanard: A,B,CCntents 自评他评. mctein taking with ohers.2. Im active in cooperating wit oher.I cn xpre mslf fenly, acratelyndaprpriate I knowmoreaboutfrendshp afe ti lesson.5. Do ou think youndto moe ourself n someapcts? Whic sps?Homk: 1. Lok ue nw words nd expresion in warming p and pr-readig in ictiay.2. Witea shortpassae out yur st fiend.Period Se.Warmingp ctiiy1: Supe yohave ostay indoo to hide yourl awholeyear.Youn evego outdoor, otherwse you
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