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平凉十中02X-20X学年第一学期中期质量检测试卷七年级 英语命题人:吕刚 审核人:刘佳听力部分(20分)I. 听句子,选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)() . A.Thyry randparents.B Sesm sstr C. N,i ist() 2. s puple.B. No, tisn ts goo.() . A. Its hre.B.Inth library.C pnci() 4. A. No, eisntB Yes, tey reC.Theyrered() It no me.B. ts gn.C. o hebedI. 听对话, 选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)() 6 Whts on t deskA. Sas pen. B Sams peniC. Samseraser.()7. Wo is JenA. Sys fred.B Sally ister. Marys frien.() . _ telephone umbris27392.A.HeensB. lens site eens oes() 9. Wheris Cindys ictioarA. In hebokce.B. In heres.C.ntehair.() 10 hatsn he sfaA. A cket. Adog. Awatch.III.听长对话, 选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共分)()11. Whs Erislas nam. Geen.B. mith. Brwn.() 1. WatsEris telpone nubrA It728-958.B. It 728-3294. Is728-9294() 1. Where i Nics pn bo. On the bd.B. On the de.C.On te cir.() 1. Who is icA Anna riend.B.Eic brothe.C. Erics frend.() 15.Wha cor is Eric haA. BlckB. lueC e.V.听短文, 写出所缺部分,每空一词。(每小题分,共5分)l! My ae is Gi. lost my (16)_ watc inClassrom 5C I mst fi it y telephonenmbe is (17)_. Peae cll me hnk. And fond a blak ()_ in thechoo lbraytis morig. Is it yous Call me. Bb found som (19)_ boks ad a blue notboo n Classrom (20)_. Are he yursmai im bogmail.com.笔试部分(10分)I词汇(共20分,每题1分)(一)根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。(每小题1分,共1分).Whais ur _ nme Green. .Fiv ad fou is _3I ls myschool ID c_. .4.My ohers ssteris my a _ .5.hi ismy c _ga.6. Tonys book re _ (到处).7.ing-pongis nt _ (困难的)for us. _me(打扰了). Ists our bo9 Dote _ (迟到)next time.10. Alice_ ( 总是)asks,“Weres my uer ”(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1.Teir (parnt) ae taches2.I (be) imreen. Nic met yo.1.Tm_(ave) skeal14. (Ts) are myfrinds.15.Thse girl re he (frend) .16. Gin andI (be )n he samclass.e doesntlie sorts. e onl wtche (tey) onTV.18. H phe numbr (b) 8802 -et playfotball .-Th_(sound) ea.20.Ca youhel (we) II.单项选择题(每小题1分,共0分)21.Do you havea n . -No,I_. A. oB dontC. mD.a ot2Pase th CDs hee tmrw. I ed the. OK, MissC.A tkeB. bringC l. get23. s h soc lIt gee. What. HowC. hat colrD. How much2. _ o you sell raserE-AS-E-.A. aB.hats CHow D. Who25Ishat her book _A. ,seis. o, t intC.Ys,his sD s, it is26. Gns grndp often(经常)et _ _socer.A.she;playB. he; pay. hr;psDshe;pay7. hat this_ngish Itis arerA. at B in C fo . with28Pleeall Jh _ 678-57. to B. in C. o D. t29. .- Mry, ths s We Fag. -_A Nic metyo. B. hk you. .Hw e yu D. OK30.u Englih is er oo . _.A. Ye ,it . B.Thank ou C No,t isnt D.I o.31.hs room ishr_ ,and th ro is_.paent , Johns andMikesB.arent,John andMes . pants ,Jon andMkes .prents, John andMikes32 Watshat_ is arulrA.ThisB. SheC. ID. He3._sitrs twelveand_is a studen.w w w .A is ,she B. Her, s C.They,she , ,thes34.Taks_te photo_yor shoo.A.o, f B.for ,f C. for, aou D. bt, or 35. hr my keyIcant t.A. knowB. thinkC. lookD fid36_ae a good tahe . We l lk _A e , him B. Tey, hm . Yo, you D. She, er37Tat int _apple.hs_bananaan, n Ban, a Ca,an ., a38 -re tho yourfiends -No, _. Thyare hs friends.A.e stB. tyareC. Theyarnt . they ren39 Teseble pns ar Gi andtoere pencilare , to.A. hers min. ouD. his 40. I hat yo aerNo.sy uncle, mthers .A. soB sistrC. bthrD. dughte I. 根据要求变换句型。(每空1分,共10分)41.H is a teacer.(改为否定句)e_ a teachr4.Hfatheselehone umbris 53-661.(对画线部分提问) _ hi trs telephonenume ww .
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