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教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级初一教学形式授课教 师王均乐单 位深圳莲花中学课题名称Unit 4 Save the trees学情分析Students are interested in the topic of saving trees. However, they dont have enough vocabulary or sentence pattern to express themselves. Teachers need to provide them with words and sentence to talk about the topic.教学目标1. Students can read and recognize all the new words in this unit.2. Students can master the main usage of the key words. 3. Students interests in trees can be developed.教学过程Step 1.Enjoy English song. Lemon TreeStep 2. New words imitation.Step 3.Key words learning. Self-study. Group work Step 4 Games:Lucky Number .Choose a number which include a task and a new word.板书设计Write out the new words as quick as possible in your note book .作业或预习Read the new words and memorize it.自我评价Not bad组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:
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