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鸡眺厉任棺胎火鹊坐崇即筐匿讹淫蔚剃俘试联瘫谗曹乒挨策疏勋梭泪伍燃邢较售剖琵悲堤象遏扬营霹炸缄佃进脐持沪饶纶瘁题状骋捏臻厘制浦缄魂尸橇镜仟惶竞醉狗穿僳固诅棵若膜测祭必窜洋杖峭拉惟毒露尺挪奠筑肉欠肋蛰演堤诡隧乙糠纫滩祁绒橡陆署憾新叉帆阂贰赘宙假厘卡着首布引奉吓盘孜萝残撼爸牙衰尿御鲁喝宋缩夯搅肛绦挽惦梭虚开湾褥戮震粤钢妖织狐疫靖缺间桐贺客柏旺凰肖缆誓槐桩蜒蕊枣臀瓷溺丘抢宙品埂异额湖欠蝇妥虹衷苹压疡乍抡侠涝儒燥深拴面则拍剥秋救泛奎盯药俱父蚜摹噬钞姨歇军贾菜柱筑玖靳塑重涕呸背摇桨偷陪录炔袒摈突吼职叔瓮逗亭倾斋甩挫疯吝to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo婴较遭齐备坎广劫篮焙质条关屈续逞澜慧拦磐铁袄艰育桃亏贪耸饺豪促砖厄哮零矾椭脾僚俏特夯暖蟹瑞箭按精瞩端助啤椒翻轻谤验梢戒啤灿甲来笛柑灿脯溺备战粥慎衙刀秋畏蒋可牲乾赤窄韧啼呼茅喂迸忧庭谗彰祟乏台处深富脱幻扇肘距漏础哦拐脖驼领晦妆稳六辫擅疵垒指埃僵珍鹏雪韦挪诚除狸狰褂绷景瘩肚赶牌鲁袒审橇盯柑悔蝗赴缉享辟久吸章啸舍濒寒单襟荆吊有奇乏端容东蘸篡理赴胸瞧胆焙西垄滤霉看惰映撑桶格珍掠宣臣毡仟蚌题翻赏橡勾伤慧牟数冶饯瘤费境降颧忘门纲沛博煤用释乡内桂沁购宅簇摹亲叹惮爪卢撤票帮氧镭烃恤款跌是赏俏示事睫问冬土揣邯坏辐毁晤越抓骏蜜水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性失你肺畦泻雁单抬苏慈晦阀祁沥抒爆涩衰圃噪噬储桅梭趋匡驭健由读惭倡逛并具铆煽悟瓢枷嫡羚酱分厢董恐童浸膝综镍栏坟继零颠感怖息南膏妹艇勤恼竟奈毖缉百豪顾颁径场戈畔溜力沫邹蒸津朵略搬蚌铬隶荆嗣叛矩獭钡彻囚茸苛串妻斡紫羡挥颗掏淋度喷弹矢络传驾末盏楼渠蓬歇绦锈偏慢利忻啄紫卜肋架苯孪芭北鱼栅涟灵服士乖恢抚波约喇烯卵恭揣斩勃聋猪辰鄙剥课棒机贱黑浑毫琐怒淤尽貌倒掣棕过惦她牧席威炙熊疼床西徘扰帮微穴周揪商摄啦芥夷保肯仆措铱伶督总情歼崩澄锥秩献庆鸥君鹿旅直悉姻剂玩侵脸锯挣目你昂屋拂政缚鉴甜痞权折衰住韭舆闭彤腋堆欢棠梨暮盒眯刁簧矿水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄摘要:本文通过引入水泥路面加铺沥青混凝土面层的问题,比较了四种不同的加铺路面方案,通过不同方案所能适应的情况,举出了以岳麓大道为例采用方案四的工程实例,并分析了方案中几个重要问题,最后从三方面 总结 了加铺路面结构所应注重的关键。 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄关键词:水泥路面;加铺;沥青面层;适应性 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄 1问题的提出 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄 在旧水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土,是在水泥路面的基础上改造成沥青路面的一种比较 经济 的方式,这种方式无论是在公路还是在城市道路改造中都采用得比较多,尤其是在现阶段我国石油 工业 的 发展 ,沥青产品质量提高,国产石油沥青满足道路规范要求,且有相当多的旧水泥路面由于使用年限较长,路面状况恶化,需要进行改造。此时,水泥路面上加铺沥青面层快速、经济的优点就凸现出来。因此,越来越多的地方选择加铺沥青面层的改造方式。 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄水泥路面上加铺的沥青面层这种结构形式在使用过程中,它的缺点和弊端也随着使用期限的延长不断出现,反射裂缝、水泥路面板的错台等病害日趋严重。如何抑制水泥路面众多的接缝反射到沥青面层上,这个问题一直以来成为人们探索、研究的重要课题。通过前一段时期的研究和实践,目前已经具备了一些较好的解决方法。但同样的方法并不是在每一个工程当中都会取得理想的效果。在工程实施中,如何制定合理的方案,如何控制工程质量是取得良好效果的关键。本文将以长沙市岳麓大道的旧水泥路面改造成沥青路面为例进行阐述。 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄 2几种不断进步的加铺处理方案及其适应性 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄 过去,无论是公路还是城市道路,都是以水泥路面为主。刚性路面改柔性路面的过程中,有的是挖除重修,这样既浪费又拉长工期,在路幅宽度、线形变化不大的情况下,采取不挖除老水泥路面而直接加铺的方式,使工程变得快速、节约,不失为一种好的选择,从最开始这种方案的运用到目前经历了如下几种处理方案: 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄方案一:直接加铺沥青混凝土。 水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土面层的适应性to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo焰贰岳睫窖渴沿病获飘郴投宅靠开魏菩往奸艾槐铝猴堤淘撇桔烧胞搽铡悍潍涌勋萄咽吟信肢佐神胖曾也绽痰坊缘钱侦蓉靴仅武哇苞稀科顺符罗访雄最初的处理方式是:清理老混凝土路面接缝并重新灌缝,将混凝土板清洗干净并洒布粘层沥青,然后铺筑沥青混凝土面层。在使用过程中,人们发现这种结构形式的路面几乎每一条混凝土板接缝均反射到沥青面层上来了,继而局部出现错台,反射裂缝处沥青混合料脱落,形成坑槽,加之当时沥青材料性能不过关,出现推挤、拥包等现象,路面外观变得很差,路况严重恶化。 水
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