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物料估价不一致一、问题现象在查看物料的会计视图时,系统提示:物料估价 33186066000在估价范围 1100 内不一致。“帮助”文档显示:点击“进行”,系统会引导进入CKMC的程序界面:执行后,系统显示:将光标置于33186066000这一行,点击“数据比较”按钮,系统显示如下:从图中可以看出,该物料在主记录上的价格和物料分类帐中的价格不一致,二者的差为569.57元,正是在前一界面上显示的结果。在前一界面点击“业务”,系统显示:二、问题分析在物料主数据中,此处显示的价格是138.937,和物料分类帐中的价格一致:12月份的这个价格是什么时候变化的呢?查看物料凭证,可以发现,这个价格是在12/01做了一笔生产订单的收货后发生变化的。会计凭证:物料分类帐凭证之一价格修改:记录创建信息:物料分类帐凭证之二物料分类帐更新:查看创建信息:由两条记录紧密相连的创建记录时间可以发现:正是由于在12/01做了一次收货,导致物料的价格发生更新。进一步考虑,这个价格怎么得来的呢?在ck40n中发现,2005/11/29对这个物料进行了一次成本估算(成本核算名称为TEST)。当时对这个物料估算出新的成本为138.937。当时只是成功做了标记,标记在2005年12月。由于12月份尚未到来,发布没有成功(发布太早)。但是,标记的成本在2005年12月份的第一笔事务上被调用到了,并被发布出来。对另一个物料331860665000的测试表明了此结论是正确的:如果物料在某个会计期有标记但未发布的成本,当该月有第一笔物料移动事务发生的时候,系统会激活发布此成本,并在物料分类帐中产生一笔价格更改的记录。只是该价格更改导致了物料主数据和物料分类帐中的价格不一致。从表MBEW中可以看到,虽然对物料33186066000有过价格更改,但是在表中,标准价格字段(STPRS)仍是原先的价格。如果按照正常的途径:先发布标准价格,然后再做库存移动事务,系统表现是正常的。例如,对物料331860662000,当前价格是131.040,标记的2005/12价格是32.136。先通过CKME发布新价格,此时MBEW中显示的价格就是正确的32.136。再做库存移动事务,系统运行正常,在物料主数据查询时,也不会提示“不一致”。为什么系统会在当月第一笔库存事务时自动发布标记的价格呢?因为后台激活了“动态价格发布”。后台配置:动态价格变化IMG控制产品成本控制实际成本核算/物料分类帐设置动态价格变化设置动态价格变化In this activity, you can specify in each valuation area that a planned price is activated as the valuation price upon the first goods movement in a new posting period as long as the validity date of the planned price has been reached.The planned prices are handled by the system with the following priority:1. marked standard cost estimates2. future valuation pricesStandard settingsIn the standard system, dynamic price release is not active.Activities1. Activate dynamic price release for the relevant valuation areas and save the changes.Further notesYou can find further information in the document Actual Costing/Material Ledger under Automatic Release of Planned Prices.SAP Note137499 提示:SymptomAfter you execute a goods movement which causes a dynamic release of a future price or a planned price, the material is inconsistent (message C+048).Additional symptoms: An incorrect value may also be updated for the statistical inventory value to the moving price (field MBEW-SALKV).Additional key wordsMMINKON, price change, dynamic price change, C+048Cause and prerequisitesThe material contains settlement control 3, that means the Material Ledger is active.The price change is updated in the material ledger but not in the material master.SolutionThis is corrected as of Release 4.6A. You can also implement the attached advance correction.SAP Note 757732 提示:INFORMATION: Use of dynamic release SymptomYou want to use the dynamic and/or static release for the update of standard prices. However, the program does not release the prices which is incorrect.Other termsCK24, CK40N, CKME, dynamic, dynamic release, CKPRCH025, CKPRCH 025, M8155, MM02, CKMPCD, MR21, CKMLCP, CKMPRP, CKMPRPN, CNACTReason and PrerequisitesEither the cost estimate was flagged at an incorrect time or at the time of the planned release, the current periods in FI and MM (and where necessary period of the cost estimate to be released) were not synchronous or, if the Material Ledger is active, the period status did not permit the cost estimate.The following functions can be released for the update of the standard price (in the sequence of there importance and selection within the release): Flagged product costings Future prices from the accounting, maintained on the accounting view of the material master or by means of transaction CKMPRP(N) or CKMLCPThere are the following prerequisites for the successful release of standard prices in the R/3 standard system:1. The current MM period has to correspond to the current FI period. *According to the fiscal year variant from the system or user date(MM会计期和FI会计期一致)2. The period for which the cost estimate was created and flagged has to correspond to the current MM period or the valid-from date of future prices from the accounting must have been reached.(成本视图中标记的未来价格期间和MM期间一致,或者会计视图中的未来价格有效日期已经到了)3. In the release period, a release of a running cost estimate does not have to be occurred yet.(在发布期间,没有已经发布过的估算价格存在)4. Provided that a future price is supposed to be released from the accounting, but a flagged, released or passed cost estimate is anchored on the cost estimate view of the material master, you either have to undo these anchors (REDO or deletion in Transaction CKR1) or you have to override message CKPRCH025 or M8155. When you override the message the program might issue incorrect values in the variance calculation and in the CO-PA since the standard price might not correspond to the current planned price anymore.(如果会计视图有一个预想要发布的价格,但成本视图中有一个标记的、发布的或者过去的估算成本,不要尝试用CKR1中的REDO或“删除”去撤消这些价格)5. Provided that the Material Ledger (ML) is active, the period status has to permit the release. In this case, you have to consider that a release does not have to basically occur after the end of the prior peri
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