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New International Business EnglishUnit 3 On the phone3.1 Id like to speak to. BYoull hear Sylviaperez trying to arrange an appointment with Dr Henderson, who is the Head of Research at Richmond and Co. Ltd. She has made two attempts.First attemptTelephonist: (unintelligible) and Company. Can I help you?Caller: Er can I speak to Dr. Henderson, please?Telephonist: Mr. Anderson. Just one moment, Ill put you through.Anderson: Yes, Anderson, accounts.Caller: Oh, er hello, is that Dr. Bill Henderson?Anderson: What? No no, this is Peter Anderson. Youve got the wrong extension. You probably want Dr. Henderson in R & D, thats um er 657. All right, 657.Caller: Oh, um well, c can you connect me back through the switchboard, please?Anderson: Huh! Well, Ill try(the line goes dead)Caller: Hello?Second attemptTelephonist: (unintelligible) and Company. Can I help you?Caller: Yes, Id like to speak to Dr. Bill Henderson, please.Telephonist: Dr. Henderson, putting you through.Voice: 657Caller: Hello.Voice: Oh, hello.Caller: Um is is that Dr. Bill Henderson.Voice: Er. no.Caller: On, er. Im trying to get hold of Dr Bill Henderson.Voice: Oh, you want Bill. Ill just see if I can find him. Um ju just a moment.Caller: Thank you.Henderson: Henderson.Caller: Oh, good. Um good afternoon. This is Sylvia Perez. Er Im calling you from France.Henderson: Sylvia who?Caller: Perez: P-E-R-E-Z. Um we met last month in in Berlin at the trade fair. You expressed an interest in our laboratory measuring equipment.Henderson: Oh, yes?Caller: Well, the thing is Im Im going to be in your area net month and I thought I might like to um. call in and see you. Id like to discuss the applications you might have for our equipment.Henderson: Ah, I see. Whats this about again?Caller: Your enquiry about our laboratory measuring equipment. Didnt you get the literature that I sent you?Henderson: Yes, yes. Um that was very interesting. UmCaller: well, the thing is: is it OK if I come and see you during my visit next month?Henderson: I see. Yeah, all right.Caller: Now what about the morning of Tuesday 10th April, is that Ok? Say at about er 11?Henderson: Ill just see if I can find my diary Umm, yes, here we are. Er April 11th at 10 oclock you said.Caller: thats right. Now, um is that OK? Is that convenient for you?Henderson: The next day might be better. Just after lunch for preference.Caller: Right, so thats er the Wednesday. In fact, thatll suit me fine, thats great. Now, shall we say um2.15?Henderson: Er certainly, yes, 2.50, thats thats fine.Caller: Oh, and by the way, Ill be bringing our agent Don Reece with me iif thats Ok with you.Henderson: Oh, certainly. Er what was your name again?Caller: Sylvia Perez: P-E-R-E-Z.Henderson: Fine. Ill see you in April then. You know how to get to our lab, dont you? Goodbye then Miss Perex.Caller: Goodbye Dr. Henderson and er actually its Mrs. Oh, and Ill um Ill write to confirm the arrangements just to make quite sure weve got everything absolutely right.3.1 C Imagine that youre the person trying to get in touch with Dr. Henderson. And reply to the voices on the phone.1. 325432. (unintelligible) and Co. Good morning.3. .(silence)4. Hello.5. 335436. Sales department.7. Lines from Birmingham are engaged, please try later.8. Richmond & Company, good afternoon.9. Dr. Hendersons office.10. Hello, this is Bill Henderson. You wanted me to get in touch.3.1 DListen to this phone conversation which shows the phrases in the students book being used.First man: Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Watson.Woman: Oh, Im afraid hes still at lunch. Is there anything I can do for you?First man: No, no, its all right, Ill call again later today. Thanks very much for your help.Ms. Johnson: Oh, hello, this is Alison Johnson. Im calling from Cardiff.Second man: hello, Miss Johnson.Ms. Johnson: is Mr. Watson available, please?Second man: Hold on a moment, please. Ill just find out if hes available Hello. Im afraid hes in a meeting. Is there anything I can do for you?Ms Johnson: Er, no. Could you ask him to call me back, please? My number is Second woman: Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Watson.Third man: Im afraid hes not available just now. Is there anything I can do for you?Second woman: could you give him a message, please?Third man: Yes, certainlyMs. Richardson: Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Watson.Telephonist: Er Ill put you through to Mr. Thompson, his assistant. Ms Richardson: Thanks.Mr. Thompson: Hello, Mr. Watsons office. James Thompson speaking.Ms Richardson: Is Mr. Watson available, please? My names Anne Richardson.Mr. Thompson: Im afraid hes not in the office at the moment.Ms Richardson: Oh, what time do you expect him back?Mr. Thompson: Not until after
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