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Class: Name: M2 U2 Cute animalsI.判断1. food room ( ) 2. goat boat ( ) 3. animal favourite ( ) 4. match cherry( ) 5. parrot name ( ) 6. never every ( )II.选择合适的介词填空in into on about for to under onto 1. The cat cannot climb _the door.2. Can you talk _your favourite animal?3. Dont jump _the pool. 4. 4. Please buy a new bicycle _me.5. My new sports shoes are _the bed. 6. 6. Put _your new skirt.7. The children are singing _the classroom now.III.按要求改写句子,每格一词1. I like parrots best.(句意不变)_ is my favourite_.2. This knife is hard and sharp. ( 复数)_ _ _hard and sharp.3. There is a bowl of food on the boat.(划线部分提问)_ _ _of food _there on the boat?4. These sweets are sweet. (划线部分提问) _ _these sweets?5 . Sam likes bones. _6. He doesnt eat dog food every day.(肯定句)_7. Kitty likes running in the playground.(否定句)_8. There is a mouse in the basket. (复数) _
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