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Test BankChapter Six (Programming Languages)Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following is an example of a language that is based on the functional paradigm?A. LISPB. PROLOGC. CD. C+ANSWER: A2. Which of the following is an example of a language that is based on the object-oriented paradigm?A. LISPB. PROLOGC. CD. C+ANSWER: D3. Most machine languages are based on the A. Imperative paradigmB. Declarative paradigmC. Functional paradigmD. Object-oriented paradigmANSWER: A4. Which of the following is not a type of statement found in a typical high-level imperative programming language?A. Imperative statementB. Exclamatory statementC. Declarative statementD. Comment statementANSWER: B5. Which of the following does not require a Boolean structure?A. If-then-else statementB. While loop statementC. Assignment statementD. For loop statementANSWER: C6. Which of the following is not a control statement?A. If-then-else statementB. While loop statementC. Assignment statementD. For loop statementANSWER: C7. Which of the following is not a control statement?A. If-then-else statementB. While loop statementC. Assignment statementD. For loop statementANSWER: C8. Which of the following is not a step in the process of translating a program?A. Executing the programB. Parsing the programC. Lexical analysisD. Code generationANSWER: A9. Which of the following is not associated with object-oriented programming?A. InheritanceB. ResolutionC. EncapsulationD. PolymorphismANSWER: B10. Which of the following is not associated with the concept of data type?A. CoercionB. BooleanC. Operator precedenceD. Strongly typed languageANSWER: C11. Positions within arrays are identified by means of numbers calledA. IndicesB. ParametersC. Instance variablesD. ConstantsANSWER: A12. Which of the following is ignored by a compiler?A. Control statementsB. Declarations of constantsC. Procedure headersD. Comment statementsANSWER: D13. Which of the following is not a possible value of the expression 4 + 6 2 - 1A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 10ANSWER: B14. Which of the following is not a way of referring to a value in a program?A. VariableB. LiteralC. ConstantD. TypeANSWER: D15. Which of the following is the scope of a variable?A. The number of characters in the variables nameB. The portion of the program in which the variable can be accessedC. The type associated with the variableD. The structure associated with the variableANSWER: B16. Which of the following is a means of nullifying conflicts among data types?A. InheritanceB. ParsingC. CoercionD. Code optimizationANSWER: C17. Which of the following is not constructed by a typical compiler?A. Source codeB. Symbol tableC. Parse treeD. Object programANSWER: A18. Which of the following is a means of defining similar yet different classes in an object-oriented program?A. InheritanceB. ParsingC. CoercionD. Code optimizationANSWER: A19. Which of the following is not a parse tree of an expression based on the following grammar? A. B. C. ANSWER: C20. Which of the following statements is not a resolvent of the following clauses?P OR Q OR RP OR TQ OR TR OR TA. Q OR R OR TB. T OR PC. P OR R OR TD. Q OR TANSWER: B21. Which of the following can Prolog conclude from the following program?parent(jill, sue).parent(jill, sally).parent(john, sue).parent(john, sally).sibling(X, Y) :- parent(Z, X), parent(Z, Y).A. parent(jill, john)B. sister(sue, sally)C. sibling(sue, sally)D. sibling(jill, sue)ANSWER: C
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