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Module 5 Cartoons Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon. 一、学习目标:知识目标 1.掌握本单元词汇以及短语(读、拼、写)2.现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。能力目标 能编写关于卡通的对话。情感目标学会倾听他人的对卡通片的看法;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质; 二、重点及难点:一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。【自主学习 自主检测】(1)漂亮的;英俊的 _(2)cartoon _(3)幽默的_ (4)cant help doing _(5)经验、教训_ (6)beat_(7) 坚持做某事 _ (8)superman_(9)向.学习 _ (10)和相同_三、学习过程:【激趣导入】Step 1 Lead-in 1. Ss watch the video and answer “Whats this cartoon about?”.2. Ss look the pictures and answer the questions. Do you know this cartoon?Whats the name of the cartoon?What do you think of the cartoon?【合作探究 交流展示】Step 2 ListeningListen to Part 2 and find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1.活动一:1. What kind of cartoons do you like?2. Do cartoons always end in a happy way?3. What cartoons do you think are funny? 活动二:听对话捕捉Betty 和Tony的观点,运用提示的词汇。再听对话回答:Do they like the same cartoons as you?听活动3回答问题。 How many cartoons are mentioned(涉及)?_ What are they? Superman is_than Spiderman.He can _ _the sky and fight babd people. Spiderman cant fly,but he _ _buildings with his hands and feet.Thats _ Superman is _.He keeps fighting band people.Thats a real_. Tom and Jerry are very_. Step 3 Reading 1. Read the dialogue and mark T or F.2. Now answer the questions.1. What does Tony think about Spiderman? 2. Why does Daming think Superman is better?3. Why do they both like Tom and Jerry?4. What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry? Step 4 Talking1. What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV?2. When do you read or watch them?3. Which one do you like best? Why? -What cartoons do you like reading? -I like reading
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