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英语励志演讲稿范文6篇英语励志演讲稿范文6篇英语励志演讲稿范文1 some say growing up in rich family promotes childrens personality andcharacter. some think otherwise. whats your opinion? why?well, its quite a question argued by people all the time. i think apersons personality has little relation to his family economic level. itsmonly said that a child in rich family will has more chances and betterchoice for his study. however, if the kid himself isnt aware of this, that isall in vain. its not unusual that many children from rich family are quite rudeand conceited although they are always receive the best education. then, howabout the poor familys children? there is another saying that adversitycultivates heroes. to be honest, i disagree with it too. poor children shouldlearn harder and catch every chance to strengthen themselves. however, thereality is often not like that. subjectively speaking, poor children are easy tofeel inferior and thus cant study well. even if they study well, they hardly dowell in practicing ability. objectively speaking, poor children can hardlyreceive good and plentiful education because of the economic limit. that willcause deficiency in some literal or artistic talent such as music or dance.therefore, i think childrens personality have little relation to their familysituation.英语励志演讲稿范文2 Ladies and Gentlemen,Thanks for your ing, I fell so happy , I have this chance to stand thereto share my ideas about my hometown with you all.A culture creats a city, the water and soil bring up the people. At thefoot of Erlang mountain, in the middle of Sichuan province, lies a small townnamed Tian Quan. I am proud to say: it is my hometown.Wherever I go, Tian Quan stays in my deep memory forever. I can not forgetthe place where I was born and grow up, I can not forget the place wheresurrounded by green mountains and water, I can not forget the good and honestpeople who working hard in there, I can not forget every river, every streetthere.Standing at the top of the WenBi mountain, you will catch a birds eye viewof the whole Tian Quan. You will find it is a beautiful picture including themordern colour and old smell.Looking at the lovly provious animals , such as panda, Takin, Golde_onkey. You will thinks the nature has special power to make life sowonderful.My hometown has a long history of culture. There is thetea-horse-accient-way, which attracts Chinese and foreign tourists to visit .Walking on the tea-horse-accient-way, you cant help sign in regret how long ourculture is!Tian Quan is also famous for its culture of tea. In summer , the farmerswork on the tea plantations, you will regard it as a lively picture. If you havea chance to work on the tea plantations, you cant miss it! You can enjoy thetea and learn more about tea at the same time .How wonderful it is!I want to say a song for my hometown, but I dont know what kinds of musicis fit for her, I want to write a poem for her, but I dont know what words candescribe her.Everyday is a new beginning , put you hands together , give a smile to theland, say a words to Tian Quan : you will in my heart , forever.Thanks for your listening,thanks.英语励志演讲稿范文3 各位领导,各位老师:大家好!去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。当我张开嘴让他们跟着我念单词时又有同学举手提议:“老师,我们今天学唱英文歌吧!我们能自己跟着磁带学,那样你的嗓子会好得快些,妈妈说嗓子哑了要少说话!”多懂事的孩子,只知他们平时爱惹我生气,不知他们竟也知道关心我!下课了,孩子们硬要把剥好的橘子塞进我的嘴里,说:“老师吃了它吧!吃了你的嗓子就会好了!”在那一刻我感受到了三十多颗幼小的心灵对我的抚慰,感受到了他们对我的理解和支持,作为一名幼儿老师我心甘情愿了!去年十二月,我要教四个班的英语、要忙于迎接期末考试、要为老师文艺汇演紧张地排练、要为圣诞节英语晚会准备初中七年级的英语节目。初中生懂的英语比拟少,我没法将台词写下来让他们自己去背,只能嘴对嘴的一字一词地教。紧张的排练和不定时的加班几乎压垮了我,我真想甩手不干了。有一天几遍排练下来后孩子们已经练得气喘吁吁了,我说:“你们累了,就早点休息吧!”可是没有一个孩子分开我,他们围在我身边仰着小脸恳切地说:“老师,咱们再练一会儿吧!我们不累!真的,我们不怕累!”看着孩子们汗津津的小脸,我突然感到自己是那么的软弱。我说,你们不怕,老师也不怕,咱们一起练。排练完毕后,我和孩子们一起笑着闹着,心里感受到一种从未有过的轻松,我知道是孩子们帮助了我,鼓舞了我。当我在台下看着他们成功的表演时,泪水再也忍不住地流了下来,作为一名人民老师爱的奉献是无尽的。我的演讲到此完毕,谢谢大家!英语励志演讲稿范文4 as everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been usedeverywhere in the world.it has bee the most mon language on inter andfor international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chanceto succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number ofthe people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and itsusefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english,i can feel adifferent way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when iread english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is differentfrom reading the translation.when i speak english,i can feel the confident frommy words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as ourchinese.i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to theenglish spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.i
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