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0X年贵阳市中考模拟试卷(六)英 语听力测试(本大题共30分,每小题1分)A对话理解:听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图。(读一遍)B听句子,选择与句子内容相符的信息。(读一遍)( )6.A.Henn nn hae thesameass indifferet yeas. B.Hnaand n av thesam sasons in a year CThe wethe n anad Heachans nt yea.( )A.In te baryhe teachernd sudents tthe newookshselvs B.T teachr on puthe new bo in th shelf for te studens to boow CThetecher and studnts aws ptthe new boos on the shef( )8.A.he ar 170 epan 170 see in ht vilge BThee te 10 ple and17 e in th villg. C.hereare 170 hep ad 17 peole thtvillag.( )9AFther Crismslimbs dow te imey when te ire have gone to seep B.atherhrismas clis dow thechmny befor t chidren are asleep Cathe Chtms doen eve te chiny utiltechldren areaslep.( )0.Lin e did pa on th stik to To Tom got i Meis . Tom idt ge LinMs tic.C.对话理解:听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。(读两遍)( )1ATheweatherBA tbal mtch.h bd food( )2AHe suring in thse B. i reaing in his om. Ceis srfing on te nterne( )3Grea. BNot bad. CTrrible.( )1.AInanoffice. B.t scho Cn shop( )15.AFo two hou.BFothree hoursC.or fe hour.D根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。(读两遍)( )1.A.Elih. B.Ces Crch( )1.OK,I thn.BThts all fgh. m afai o,( )18A.Dont hopethaYouewelom aong.CCoeinlease( )19.Is e BDes Ja .Thts tue.( )20.AId li sortiecoffe.B.ht suns nc. Nothing seriu.听短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(读三遍)( )21Ahome e has man rules( )He i alowe to buy isow clthes( )3His allwed to oto school withhi cassmte.( ).Wh hehas usios,he isaowd to hon o ask his frnd( )25.H tik that it iagod waotudy wia groupF听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。(读三遍)Ppl b y To 26Animl Its interestig and hlul.Toms brother polieman 7.ts a lite ,but extig.Tmssister 8. 9h lies to bepopular an Mis Wang 30 Its very rewrdig.基础知识运用(本大题10分,每小题1分)A.单词拼写,根据句意和语境,用所给词的适当形成填空。31Som of th (in)a hespots meeting are roour scol.3Whch ier is (long),the Yantze RverotheYllow River33I hve eento th es Lae (two).34Hifriends (die)mdehim fel sad35.How ong you (rro)he boofrom the lbay.根据句意,在句子空白处填入适当的词。(每空限填一词)36.Be when you crossth ret.37here ar rty stdtshre,twenty-ee f them ye gift, are oy.38. haveen ere for hen years a yearour sistr lays basketbal,sshe40.“Is aininhevy”“ it is。”单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分)( )41.一m,Ive finishe homwr. Igo ot play r a ie 一N,Im afaidnot. aveme othr xrces for ou. A.Mut B.Ma .wll( )2.T keep hthy,yud beter xrcisfigh ater you a a al. A.Dont e B.not take C.ot to te( ). yo brefa Ys,I hdit t 6:0 AHave; B.Ae;haing C.Wre;vng( )44.Tehoe arentherca nor mortableI ant unerstan om lik buigthem. A.why Bether C.hw( )5The sderuse it the roo the aby in te fie. A.tosa .saving C.and sav( )46henecklc tat Iha showedo m frins It me u vr sd lot B.gets lost Cwere mssng( ).HesasEnglish an Amerian,so welbelv thestayeinAmericafo man yas A.as goodas B.asbaly s Cs el s( )8.ost otepeple lostthir ives n th attacks are Ameicans. .wo Bho Cwhich( )49How long hav you yr hmtown AbnawayfromBlf Come to( )0.I hav go newcoputrMy fter aa birthday present A.gave hem tome B.gavit tome C.gav oneto m( )5here wonerful film Hero inhecinema exund. Awill have B.s goin toae C.isgoing to be( )2.This ky e Petesis stll the ck Aay n B.can Cmustnt( )5.Mis Gren aked Fed he was gng to spea at the mtng ad h ad“N” .y .ho Cweter( )54.inaly,theyhv bil n hecentr f the cit A.all entyfoos uilding B.atwentyfoobuldin a twty
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