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5.5 营造做法5.5 build 5.5.1 上人平屋面5.5.1 on roofing range 1. 10厚地砖铺平拍实,1:1水泥砂浆填缝,缝宽5-8。1. 10 thick floor tile paving solid, 1:1 caulking, cement mortar seam width 5-8. 2. 15厚1:4干硬性水泥砂浆,面上撒素水泥。2. 15 thick 1:4 harsh cement mortar, and on the surface of cement. 3. 40厚C20细石混凝土垫层内配4150x1503. 40 thick C20 fine stone concrete cushion inside 4 150 x150 4. 干铺无纺聚酯纤维布一层。4. Dry spread a layer of non-woven polyester fiber cloth. 5. 120厚挤塑板XPS(B1级)保温层5. 120 thick extruded board XPS insulation layer (B1 level) 6. 3+3双层SBS改性沥青卷材防水层6. 3 + 3 double SBS modified asphalt coiled material waterproof layer 7. 20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层,掺入聚丙烯或锦纶-6纤维0.750.90kg/m37. 20 thick 1:3 cement mortar screed-coat, mixed with polypropylene or nylon 6 fiber 0.75 0.90 kg/m3 8. 20厚(最薄处)1:8水泥珍珠岩找2%坡,坡向雨水口。8. 20 (the thinnest point) thick 1:8 cement perlite find 2% slope, slope to the rain. 9. 清除原有面层至预制筋混凝土楼板。9. Remove the original surface to the precast reinforced concrete floor. 5.5.2 不上人平屋面5.5.2 range on the roof 1. 绿豆砂保护层。1. The green bean sand layer. 2. 3+3双层SBS改性沥青卷材防水层2. 3 + 3 double SBS modified asphalt coiled material waterproof layer 3. 20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平层,掺入聚丙烯或锦纶-6纤维0.750.90kg/m33. 20 thick 1:3 cement mortar screed-coat, mixed with polypropylene or nylon 6 fiber 0.75 0.90 kg/m3 4. 20厚(最薄处)1:8水泥珍珠岩找2%坡,坡向雨水口。4. 20 (the thinnest point) thick 1:8 cement perlite find 2% slope, slope to the rain. 5. 120厚挤塑板XPS(B1级)保温层5. 120 thick extruded board XPS insulation layer (B1 level) 6. 清除原有面层至预制筋混凝土楼板。6. Remove the original surface to the precast reinforced concrete floor. 5.5.3 有保温喷刷涂料外墙面5.5.3 metope of thermal spray coating 1. 双组份聚氨脂罩面涂料一遍1. Its a two-component polyurethane finish paint again 2. 丙烯酸弹性高级中层主涂料一遍2. The acrylic elastic senior middle main coating again 3. 封底涂料一遍3. The back cover coating again 4. 12厚1:0.2:2水泥石灰膏砂浆找平4. 12 thick 1-0. 2:2 cement lime putty mortar leveling 5. 刷素水泥浆一道(内参水重5%的建筑胶)5. Brush element slurry along (internal water 5% heavier construction glue) 6. 5厚1:0.5:3水泥石灰膏砂浆打底扫毛或划出纹道6. 5 thick 1-0. 5:3 cement lime putty mortar render brooming or draw lines 7. 70厚单层钢丝网架立纤维岩棉板(A级),保温板内斜插腹丝及板面附加锚固筋7. 70 thick monolayer steel wire rack made fiber rock wool board (grade A), insulation board in the oblique abdominal silk and board face additional anchoring reinforcement 8. 建筑胶水泥砂浆墙体找平8. Plastic cement mortar wall leveling construction 9. 钢筋混凝土及轻集料混凝土砌块墙或清除原面层至结构层。9. The reinforced concrete and lightweight aggregate concrete block wall or removal of the original surface to the layer structure. 5.5.4 浆料保温层喷刷涂料外墙面5.5.4 slurry spray insulation coating and blunt 1. 双组份聚氨脂罩面涂料一遍1. Its a two-component polyurethane finish paint again 2. 丙烯酸弹性高级中层主涂料一遍2. The acrylic elastic senior middle main coating again 3. 封底涂料一遍3. The back cover coating again 4. 30厚FTC相变蓄能保温材料,参照厂家施工工艺。4. 30 thick FTC phase change energy storage heat preservation material, consult factory construction technology. 5.5.5 大理石防滑地面5.5.5 antiskid ground marble 1. 20厚大理石铺实拍平,水泥砂浆擦缝1. 20 marble and thick film, cement mortar seam 2. 30厚1:4干硬性水泥砂浆2. 30 thick 1:4 harsh cement mortar 3. 素水泥浆结合层一道3. A plain cement combined with layer 4. 拆除原面层至原地面垫层4. Remove the original surface to the original floor mat layer 5.5.6 陶瓷地砖防滑防水地面5.5.6 waterproof ceramic floor tile prevent slippery ground 1. 10厚地砖铺实拍平,水泥浆擦缝1. 10 floor tile shop make flat, thick slurry wipe a seam 2. 20厚1:4干硬性水泥砂浆。2. 20 thick 1:4 harsh cement mortar. 3. 2厚聚氨酯涂膜防水层,涂三边,四周卷起200高3. 2 thick polyurethane coating waterproof layer, trilateral, rolled up around 200 high 4. 刷基层处理剂。4. Brush treatment at the local level. 5. 20厚1:2水泥砂浆找平层。5. 20 1:2 cement mortar screed-coat thick. 6. 50厚(最高处)C20细石混凝土从门口处向地漏找坡0.5%,最薄处不小于30厚,随打随抹。6. 50 (top) and thick C20 concrete with fine stones from the door to find slope 0.5% floor drain, the thinnest place not less than 30 thick, with playing with. 7. 素水泥浆结合层一道7. A plain cement combined with layer 8. 拆除原面层至原地面垫层8. Remove the original surface to the original floor mat layer 5.5.7 塑料地板地面5.5.7 plastic floor on the ground 1. 3厚塑料地板1. 3 thick plastic floor 2. 配套胶黏剂粘结。2. Adhesive form a complete set of adhesives. 3. 建筑胶水泥腻子批嵌平整3. Plastic cement construction putty of embedded is flat and level 4. 20厚1:3水泥砂浆找平,压实抹光。4. 20 thick 1:3 cement mortar leveling, compaction finishing. 5. 素水泥砂浆结合层一遍。5. Plain cement mortar layer again. 6. 拆除原面层至原地面垫层6. Remove the original surface to the original floor mat layer 5.5.8 陶瓷地砖防滑地面5.5.8 ceramic floor tile prevent slippery ground 1. 10厚地砖铺实拍平,水泥浆擦缝1. 10 floor tile shop make flat, thick slurry wipe a seam 2. 20厚1:4干硬性水泥砂浆。2. 20 thick 1:4 harsh cement mortar. 3. 素水泥浆结合层一遍3. Plain cement combining layer again 4. 拆除原面层至原地面垫层4. Remove the original surface to the original floor mat layer 5.5.9 水泥砂浆地面5.5.9 cement mortar on the ground 1. 30厚1:2干硬性水泥砂浆。
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