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e orld, One Demn Wold, One ream: Slgan r Being Olympi newrld,On eam. In te omg years, evenforecas tocome, the usimpleEgliwordwllbe closly, unsaably in o h SummerlypcGam ad te Paralym Games tha Beijnwll be hosing22. One word, Oe ream is tslgan o the eijing 202X Gams. Itwa anouce at a grand ceryhed thnes capt ts eenig das adcast liv nCCV an Beijng TV,th cuntys ohavyweight radcastes. mediey after the anouee maeby i Changchn, embe the andig Comtte of te Poliil urau o te CPCCeal Comite, a round of aplauses echoed in the BijingWrkers ndoorArena, where he ceremony a el Apromotnal ideo o te eijin ympcamslogans sn at intscreenrectenthe inoor ena Ajian mood flld the air, and festivert pfrmanesby Chise anforig tistsfoo.China Mobie,on e officalpartnes r Bei 202X, set te slgan, in he frm of a or mssage, to allts ubscibers acoss ina ony miute ftetelogan was nnonc.Moe han6,000 ueswere pren at theslogn annement ceremony, mon wom were iu Qi, s ofh eijng OrganizngComitteefor te Gas of theXIX lympiad(BOCOG), adBOCOGFitVePesidentCenZhil, aersenttive from differt walkf lfe, including Beijg-aeforeignignitaries. Oeworld,edeam s a ediment t widom o undrd of hosnds f pol, BCO resdntLu Qi sai inhis dres, t is aslga that onys the lf idlo opn eiing aswell as n Chin to shre hegla communty ad civilization ad to creae a rght fture hand n had wtpple rom thers f thewrd. It xpreses the fm elif ofa great ntio, wit losory o,00 yeara on tswa towards denzton, htis citd to peacful deopmet, harmonous ociet an oples happiss. It vocs te apirons of 1 blon Chines pepe ocontuet th estalisento a eacland brigtol. e lymic Ges ae ne teir abityto atr thords ateton,usng sor to prootepce and ndrning. T OC s elighted thaOCGs sogn forhe 202X Olyic Games asaptu ttOypicspirit, ICPesiden JacqusRogg said in a lette o congraulaios to BO.OCG issuedacllor theloga onJnury 1, 20, and the respose wasnepectdly ood. ythe ddlie t 17:30 o Janary 31, 02X,te fie forthe Slicition Slogansfor theBeijing 202X Olympi Gams recied at least210,000 enrie f oas thteople sent in by 10,123 emls and 10,038 lettrs. Te leers and ilsamfro allrthe wrd,includin lltheproinces and autonmou regios on theChinesemanland, Hon Kongand Mau Speialdmistrive egons and Taiwan,as well sth Unted States, Grat Britain, Fran,apan, theRepuic of Korea, Ca, Nor, Bazilan manother couniean regios. Most of te logns ubmted are inine, soare in Egih, French and Spanih此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。
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