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2011年 福师大函授Lesson Two The Game of the Name1. acquaintance: someone you know , friend熟人,朋友a nodding acquaintance acquaint oneself with sb/sth2. ritual: rules that govern a certain activity 礼节social ritual3. utter: say说4. address: the way to call sb.称谓5. acquire: learn习得6. at first thought, on second thoughts7. trivial: unimportant, minor琐碎的8. assumption: assume: believe, think假设9. initial: first, the very beginning: Your initials, please?首先的10. appropriate: proper恰当的11. assimilate: take in, absorb消化吸收12. contemporary: people of the same age, peer同龄人13. determiner: determining factors14. utterance: speech话语15. be obliged to: must 有义务,必须16. sexist: sexual discrimination 性别歧视 Sexism17. colleague: co-worker18. suspend: disregard, stop 暂停,终止n. suspension19. bestow: grant, permit, give给予,赐予20. remark: words, comments话语21. I answer quicker to Bruce: I will be more at ease if you call me Bruce.22. complication: complicated matters, problem复杂23. arise: come up产生New problems arise.24. disparity: difference 分歧,不同25. adroitly: intelligently灵巧的,机敏的26. exceptional: special 特殊的27. in this respect: in this regard在这方面28. subtle: implied 微妙的the subtle differences between the twins29. kin: relative 亲戚 30. alter: change 改变31. spurn: reject 拒绝,摈弃32. executive: office worker 行政人员33ttach: briefcase 公文包课后练习;P28 A1.acquaintance 2. contemporary 3. buddy 4. unconsciously 5. identify 6. phrased/specified 7. disparity 8. sexist 9. specify 10. assumption C:1. What differences are there between the Chinese and American greeting rituals?2. They reassured us of their friendship.3. The villagers in their holiday attire gathered in the square, waiting for the celebration to begin.4. When he was unable to prove his identity, the bank suspended payment.5. He felt uncomfortable /ill at ease in the religious setting.6. Though I have known him for more than six months, we were still on the TLN basis.7. This kind of old-fashioned telephone is no longer in use.8. He put forth s different idea so adroitly that no one was offended.9. You ought to show more respect to your elders.10. The winning of the first prize by your school team calls for a celebration.Lesson Four 38 Who Saw Murder Didnt Call the Police1. abide : obey abide by2. stalk: follow with being noticed悄悄跟行3. stab: pierce with a weapon刺4. glow: light5. assault: murder, kill6. borough: block街区7. veteran: experienced worker (solider, police)老兵,老练的8. homicide: assault9. recitation: recall 10. slay: kill11. baffle: confuse12. assailant: killer13. staid: dignified, solemn 沉稳的14. adjacent to: near, by the side of邻近15. frown on: disapprove of 不赞成16. in the rear of: at the back of17. shrouded in : covered by笼罩18. slumber: sleep 睡眠19. call box: phone booth20. punctuate: pierce穿刺21. sedan: saloon car轿车22. stagger: walk unsteadily蹒跚23. slump: stoop低头弯腰走路24. deliberation: consideration细想25. sheepishly: cowardly, uneasily羞怯地26. distraught: frightened, worried烦恼的27. apprehensive: worried, anxious焦虑的,担忧的28. peek: look through窥探29. rattle off: keep talking with interest喋喋不休30. solemn: serious, with a heavy heart严肃的课后练习:P66A1. in charge of 2. hold out 3. at the foot of 4. in touch with 5. made our way 6. frown onC:1. Dr. Cooper is in charge of this ward.2. The hare lost the race to the tortoise not because he could not run quickly, but because he was too conceited.3. We placed a wreath at the foot of the statue.4. He rattled off a string of names of the cities he had visited.5. We kept in touch with the search party by radiophone.6. The doctor did not hold out much hope of the patients recovery.7. The kitchen is in the rear of the house.8. When Ted gets mad, just let him alone.9. Now read the poem again, and this time dont rattle it off like a machine gun.10.He walked on foot as far as the City Hall.Lesson Six Americans and the Land1. wonder at: puzzle at2. savagery: brutality野蛮3. come at: attack4. blast: blow up炸毁5. reckless: thoughtless不顾后果的,鲁莽的6. scythe: sickle镰刀7. virgin:处女地8. timber: forest木材9. pillage: rob, plunder掠夺10. temporarily: for a time暂时11. persist: maintain12. dump: throw away13. sewage: waste water 14. toxic: poisoned, polluted15. filthy: dirty 污秽的16. belch: release排出17. combustion: burning燃烧18. wreckage, debris: 残骸19. girdle: surround围绕20. uninhibited: uncontrolled白加节制的21. spray:喷洒22. meager: scarce 贫瘠的23. raider: robber掠夺者24. subsequent: later, following之后的25. foray: sudden attack偷袭26. slaughter: killing屠杀27. massacre:
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