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(优选文档)(文末附答案)高考最新英语复习一般现在时时态笔记重点大全2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、If you _ his wifes income _ his own, the total of their income _ 3,000 yuan.Aadd; to; will add up toBadd; to;adds toCadd up; for;adds up toDwill add; for; adds up2、The river _ at least 50 meters in width, but the ten-year-old boy can swim across it within minutes.Ais measuredBmeasuresCis measuringDis being measured3、 I want to know when Lucy _ to my birthday party this Sunday. I dont know. But I think she will tell me when she _.Acomes; comesBcomes; will comeCwill come; comesDwill come; will come4、_Do you like the material ? _Yes, it _very soft.Ais feelingBfeltCfeelsDis felt5、With the application of 5G technology _ profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world.Awould comeBwere comingCcomesDcome6、Mr Black often _ fishing on Sundays.AgoBgoesCdont goDisnt go7、People_make a lot of decisions in daily life.And sometimes its difficult.Ais having toBhaveChave toDhas to8、His theory _ practice,so you can believe it.Abased onBbases onCis based onDis basing on9、She told me the sun _ in the east.AriseBroseCrisesDhad risen10、We should be careful of cheats who often _ some poor men _ believing them.Acheat; out ofBcheating; inCcheat; intoDcheats; to11、If the weather _ fine, the opening of the play will_tomorrow night.Ais;holdBwill be; be heldCis;take placeDis; be taken place12、In a small wooded valley _ two towns, both set in beautiful _.Alies; surroundingBlie; surroundingsClay; surroundingDdid lie; surroundings13、-Tom, I congratulate you on your success.-Thanks, but the honor _ to all the people here.Ais belongedBbelongsCis belongingDis belong14、The evidence suggests that single fathers _ more likely to work than single mothers.Ashould beBareCDbe15、It _ in the hall _ the anniversary ceremony is to be held tomorrow afternoon.Ais, whereBis, thatCwas, whereDwas, that16、Excuse me. Im looking for Be the Best of Yourself.Sorry. The book you ask for _ out.Ais sellingBis soldCwas sellingDwill be sold17、They have a good knowledge of English but little_they know about German.AhaveBdidChadDdo18、Reading newspapers and magazines_ what my father enjoys most.AisBwasCareDhave been19、The plane _ off at 10:10. That is, it _ in ten minutes.Atakes; is leavingBwill take; is leavingCwill take;leavesDtakes; leaves20、Mike very hard. When I saw him at eleven last night, he was still studying in his room.Ahas studiedBstudiesCstudiedDwill study21、There are nearly 7000 local languages in the world, but only 7% _ reflected in published online material.AwereBwasCisDare22、They are faced with the hard choice_ they should stay for another day or return home at once.AwhatBwhichCthatDwhether23、Three hours _enough for a boy to read books every week.But my son never reads though hes already 11 years old.AisBhasCareDhave24、Two-thirds of the coins dug up on the island _ from the year 275AD to 221BCAdatesBdateCis datedDare dated25、The woman behind the girls_a famous actress.AisBareChaveDhas完成句子(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)26、这是我们上高中以来第二次大规模考试。_ have taken such a big exam since I entered the senior high school.27、Teenagers_ _ _ _popular music, which has something to do with the age characteristic and time background.当代青少年偏爱流行通俗音乐,这与年龄特征和时代背景有关。28、你知道那个女孩的父亲是干什么的吗?(what做表语)Do you know _?29、我的父母对乡村生活感到满意,那里没有空气污染。My parents _life in the country, where the air is_.30、她法语说得确实很好。She _ _ French very well.31、很多孩子沉迷于上网,因此他们对学习失去了兴趣。Many kids_ _ _surfing the Internet,so they have lost interest in study.32、我认为他说的话不适用你,也不适用于我们。I dont think what he says _ _ you as much as to us. (apply)33、这家公司想要招聘毕业于名牌大学的学生 。The company wants those who _ _ famous universities.34、_ London at 6 oclock in the afternoon.汽车将在下午6点钟离开伦敦。35、我决心努力学习,获取足够的知识,并定期锻炼。I_study hard to gain sufficient knowledge and_.36、英吉利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来。The Channel Tunnel _the rest of Europe.37、作为一个善良的人,她对身处困境中的人总是很仁慈。As a kind person, she always _ _ _ people who are in trouble.38、这节省了我们很多时间并避免了很多麻烦。It _ _ _ time and trouble.39、他是一个忠实的倡导者,强烈倡导使用清洁能源,如太阳能、风能等,而不是使用那些污染我们环境的能源。(advocate,应用定语从句)He is a devoted advocate, _clean energies such as the energy of the sun, the wind and etc. _using whose that pollute our environment.40、老师和她的学生们来了。_the teach
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