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英语同步练习题考试题试卷教案初二英语下学期期末试卷6清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供初二英语期末试卷第I卷(选择题部分)I. Listening(20分)A. Listen and choose the right picture according to what you hear .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Choose the right answer , which is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear .6. A. The man had lots of friends .B. The man has a few friends .C. The man hasnt many friends .7. A. John and Tom were talking .B. John was walking with Tom and they said nothing .C. John and Tom were working 8. A. The traffic accident took place in Qingdao .B. The traffic accident took place in Beidaihe .C. The traffic accident didnt happen in Beidaihe .9. A. His mother likes coffee better than tea .B. His mother doesnt like coffee or tea .C. His mother likes coffee but not tea .10. A. Drawing is more difficult than singing .B. Neither of them is difficult .C. Drawing and singing are both difficult .11. A. I couldnt ride a bicycle .B. I taught myself how to ride a bicycle .C. I learned to ride a bicycle very quickly .12. A. He hasnt enough money to pay for that car .B. He needs little money for that car .C. He is able to pay for that car . C. Choose one that can answer the question you hear .13. A. No , you mustnt B. Of course not .C. Nothing serious .14. A. There is no hurry .B. Im glad to hear that .C. Thanks .15. A. Who cares it !B. Its hard to say .C. I think so .16. A. How can I help you ?B. It may be in your bag .C. Dont ask me . D. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answer .17. A. Drink some water .B. Have a rest .C. Take some medicine .18. A. He is the writer of Business the Speed of Thought .B. He is a doctor .C. He is an artist .19. A. Because its too noisy .B. Because its very cheap .C. Because its too dear .20. A. A book with many pictures of America .B. A lot of beautiful pictures .C. A letter with many pictures of America .II. Choose the best answer .(20分)21. She saw English film last Sunday . But she cannot remember name of film . A. an ; a ; a B. a ; the ; a C. an ; the ; a D. an ; the ; the 22. The man on watch didnt see the iceberg until it was too late . A. at the front B. in the front C. at front D. in front 23. The room cool in summer and warm in winter . A. feels B. is felt C. feels to be D. is felt to be 24. It is polite Miss Yang to carry these books . A. of you helping B. for you to help C. of you to help D. for you helping 25. Mary asked her mother . A. what to do it B. how to do C. where to live D. where to live in 26. The soldiers are always ready the old people if they any trouble . A. help ; have B. to help ; have C. helped ; will have D. helping ; has27. The weather yesterday was today .A. not so cold as isB. not so colder as it isC. not so cold as it wasD. not so cold as it is 28. He said that he saw Mr. Brown into the building and go . A. going ; to upstairs B. go ; upstairs C. went ; to upstairs D. goes ; upstairs 29. Take a plane , youll be able to get to Shanghai this afternoon . A. and B. or C. because D. so30. the boy is to learn to talk ! A. How slow B. How slowly C. What a slow D. What a slowly 31. They improved the software it easier for people computers . A. make , use B. to make , using C. to make , to use D. to make , use 32. Li Lei ran me quickly , he first the gate . A. passed , passed B. past , past C. passed , past D. past , passed33. Jones won the gold medal in the race in the 27th Olympic Games .A. womens 100-metres B. womens 100-metre C. womens 100 metresD. women 100 metre 34. Please the other exercises after you finish the exercise . A. go on to do B. go on doing C. go on with D. go on35. We were reading in the reading-room suddenly the lights went out . A. while B. when C. as soon as D. if 36. Lucys phone number is 5-6-3-2-6-4 , please . on a piece of paper . A. Write down them B. Write them down C. Write it down D. Write down it 37. Tom Peter may go with you because one of them must stay at home . A. Not only ; but also B. Neither ; nor C. Both ; and D. Either ; or 38. He took off his shoes and them on the floor . A. brought B. took C. fell D. dropped 39. students from the universities went to the west of China after they graduated(毕业). A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. About ten hundreds D. Hundred of 40. he read the book , he got in
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