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中秋节英语手抄报:中秋节发展民国年间,南京的月饼市场为广(帮)式、苏(帮)式和本地(帮)产“三分天下”,广式的馅料以火腿、枣泥、椰蓉等为主,厂商以冠生园为首,其次有大三元、康乐园等。它们以声势浩大的广告战为手段,在报上登载巨幅广告,于橱窗布置霓虹灯。的苏帮厂商有小苏州、太平村、稻香村,在广告制作上颇具海派特色,爱搞噱头;苏式月饼质量不逊于广帮,价格则较之廉价,故而节后盘点,财源滚滚胜于广帮。广帮的顾客是达官贵人、豪商巨贾;苏帮的顾客多为小康人家。而广阔一般市民则乐趋本帮,虽然其馅料不过是荤五仁、素椒盐两种,全市100多家本帮点心铺的店容店貌亦老气横秋,既不布置橱窗,更不打广告,但都靠质量和诚信及价廉赢得顾客盈门,市场份额相对广帮、苏帮而言有过之而无不及。月饼进展到今日,品种更加繁多,风味因地各异。其中京式、苏式、广式、潮式等月饼广为我国南北各地的人们所喜食。在节日之夜,人们还爱吃些西瓜等团聚的果品,祈祝家人生活美满、甜美、平安。The Republic of China, Nanjing”s moon cake market wide (help) type, Su (help) and local (help) production of “three world“, broad-based fillings with ham, jujube paste, coconut and so on, led by the vendors with the highest, followed by a big, paradise. They take great in strength and impetus advertising campaigns as a means, huge in a newspaper advertisement layout neon in the window. The famous Soviet help small manufacturers in Suzhou, Tai Ping Cun, Daoxiang village, in the advertisement has characteristics of Shanghai, love as a gimmick; Su style moon cakes quality in Canton, the price is cheap, so the post holiday inventory, exchequer billow is extensive help. Extensive help customers are high officials and noble lords, rich merchants; the Soviet Union to help customers to better off families. While the majority of ordinary citizens are music trend of the help, although its fillings but is C five kernel, salt and pepper two, the city”s more than 100 book for dessert shop storefront also act as an elder, not window dressing, more do not advertise, but rely on the quality and integrity and cheap to win customers door, market share relatively wide help, help, Sue go beyond. Moon cakes to today, a greater variety, due to the different flavor. The people of Beijing type, Su, Cantonese, Chaozhou style moon cakes and other widely for our country the South North everyplace of preference. Night at the festival, people also eat some watermelon fruit reunion, blessing family life happy, sweet, ping.
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