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中英文房地产评估服务合同评字 2009 第号Contract Number:托付方(甲方):Entrusting Party (Party A):受托方(乙方):Trustee Party (Party B):签订时刻:Signing Date:按照 中华人民共和国合同法 、 城镇土地估价规程 及房地产估价规范等有关文件规定,为明确双方所承担的责任和义务,经双方协商同意签订本合同。According to , and , to define both Parties obligations and rights. Both Parties agree to sign on this contract after discuss.一、托付评估内容: 地上鱼塘、苗木、大棚现值价值I. Contain of entrust to evaluate: Appraisal for present value of Fish p ond on the ground, tree stock, and greenhouse.二、估价时点 :II. Appraisal date:三、评估目的 :评估确定地上鱼塘、苗木、大棚现值价值III. Purpose of evaluation: Evaluate and confirm the present value of Fish pond on the ground, tree stock, and greenhouse.四、评估完成期限:IV. Evaluation complete date:自甲方完全、如实地提供乙方评估所需所有资料后 ,于五日内完成。From the date Party A provides all the information need for evaluatio n, Party B shall complete the evaluation within 5 working days.五、评估收费 :V. Evaluation Fees:1 .甲方须向乙方支付评估业务费 , 按总评估值的 0.2%。1. Party A shall pay Party B 0.2% of total evaluation value for the ev aluation service fees.2 .评估完成后在乙方递交评估报告的同时一次付清。 每逾期一天,按评估费用付给乙方千分之二的逾期违约金。2. Above said fee shall be pay to Party B after Party B complete the evaluation and deliver the evaluation report to Party A. 0.2% of total evalu ation service fees per day will be charge if Party A fail to pay.六、双方的责任和义务:VI. Obligations and rights for both Party.1 .甲方须向乙方提供真实、 准确的文件及基础资料,对资料的真实性、 可靠性负责 ;1. Party A shall provide actual, verity and basic information to Party B. Party A shall be responsibility for the authenticity and reliability of the i nformation.2 .乙方有责任按照甲方托付的评估内容和要求,并依据甲方提供的资料按时按质完成房地产评估工作;2. Party B shall be responsible to complete the evaluation according to evaluation purpose of this contract and Party A s request.3.乙方向甲方提供的房地产评估报告,须符合国家有关政策、法规的规定;3. The evaluation report given by Party B to Party A shall comply to China relevant laws or regulations.4.乙方有为甲方所提供的资料、 文件及房地产评估报告书内容等进行保密 的义务。4. Party B shall be responsible to keep confidential for all information, documents from Party A and the real estate evaluation report.双方如不履行上述责任,视为违约。Either Parties fail to fulfill term hereinabove shall be deemed to breac h of this contract.七、双方违约责任 :VII. Obligation of Infringement1 .甲方拒绝或未按期向乙方支付评估业务费,乙方有权停止工作或不向甲方提供评估报告书 ;1. Party A refuse or fail to pay the evaluation fee on time. Party B h as right to halt the service or not to provide the evaluation report to Party A.2 .甲方未同乙方协商而擅自变更或解除已签订的合同,不得索要已支付给乙方的款项 ;2. Party A modify or terminate the signed contract without consult wit h Party B, Party A shall not reclaim for any payment already paid to Party B.3 .甲方未及时向乙方提供房地产评估所需的文件、资料 ,或提供的文件和资料不真实,因此产生的不良后果由甲方负责,乙方不承担责任,并支付乙方总合同收入25%的违约金;4 .Party A fail to provide documents and information needed by Party B for evaluation, or provide documents and information inauthenticity. Party a shall be responsible for any negative effect occur, and pay 25% of service fee deem to this contract to Party B as penalty.5 .乙方在甲方的主动配合下,不能按期完成房地产评估工作,或未同甲方协商擅自变更、解除已签订的合同,应视为违约,违约金为总合同收入的25%;6 . Party B fail to complete real estate evaluate on time upon Party A s actively cooperation, modify or terminate the signed contract without co nsult with Party B, shall be deem as breach of this contract. Party B shall pay Party A 25% of service fee deem to this contract as penalty.5.乙方在评估过程中必须遵照城镇土地估价规程、 房地产估价规范进行评估,如甲方再连续提出超出原评估范畴的有关评估事项,必须按增加评估值,按比例增加评估业务费。7 . During the evaluation Party B shall evaluate according to and . If Party A request the evaluation for any additional evaluate exceed of this contract, an additional fee will be charge according to the percentage of work.八、其它 :VIII. Others:1 .甲方须向乙方提供评估工作中必要的交通、食宿等费用;1. Party A shall provide any transportation or board and lodging cost while Party B s evaluation.2 .本合同经双方签字,并加盖单位公章或合同专用章后 ,即发生法律效力 ;2. This contract become valid after both Parties signed and imprint wit h company seal or contract seal.3 .本合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力;3. This contract come with two original, each Party hold one copy, bo th copies have equally authentic and shall obtain equal legal valid4 .如遇到国家有关政策调整、法律修改及其他不可抗力事件,导致甲、 乙双方或任何一方无法履行本合同,所遗留咨询题由双方协商解决;4. Should either of the parties to the contract be prevented from execu ting the contract by state policy redress, law amendment or force majeure. B oth parties shall through consultations decide terms of settlement.甲方 (盖章 ):Party A (seal)乙方 (盖章 ):Party B (seal)法定代表人或授权代表 法定代表人或授权代表Legal representative or authorized representative:(签字 ) :(签字 ):(signature):(signature):2009年 11 月 21 日2009年 11 月 21 日
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