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志愿者面试英语自我介绍志愿者面试英语自我介绍精选范文 篇一 Good rnin! It ireall nrt ave this oporunity for anteriew,I hopeI can mkea oodperormnc tday.I onfin that I ca succ Now Iwill itroduce ysel biefly. I26es old,bon in sanng provnc .Iwas grauate ro qino niversity. my majors lectonicad i got my acor deree ater myrauatininthe year of 02X. spn mot ofmy time onsudy,i hae passCET4 .i hav cquied bs knwlegeof maordurigmy schol me. n Jul 202X, begin ok fo a malprte ompany as a tecnia suppor ngneer in QgDao cit.Because Im aable mo sponiblits,soI dcded to cane myjob. Ann gust 202X,I ftQngD to BeiJing and orked for a frign enterpie as autaton software tes ngneer.Bcause I wa t chan my working evinent, dlie o find oich is morchllenging.oroer Motoro is lobal compan, so I fel Ican gathe ms m orii this kind of compny enronment. Tt i th reson wyIcome here o compete for th oitin Ithnk Ima god teamplaye adI perno rea hst o trs Also Iam l t wonder grat prsre. Thts al Thank ou fr giving me thchane.篇二 irst f al I wn t say thankyu tgvingm this opority . Mynam is atllah an Im frm PakisaI mudyin CDL dipmn ar istitun Im verysimpe, hones d loingpeson. Whev I amalone s lkethinkinMy hobies relayin crcket and urfighe nt Im very ardworking.Ilivein bu habi and o y is Pkistn. Tanks. 篇三 Hl, nictomeeyou. My me isxxx. am a sohomoe tuing in eiji institeopetreicaltecholgy. Myhbbies arevad from indiiualto roup actiitie.ch s XXX XX XXX XX.Te ma reason ofappyg t Oli volnteer202X thaIthink his wil be y unforeabl andGRa experiencei y wo ife.Thisie firs time o hold lympic Ges in na,oreveyhinese erso, this mpi ame sery imptntand memorble. Besides, lp Gmill be el in eii As ciizen ofBeijing, I el ery roud.AtouhI amoly agaduate, thinthat I mustacivlyconrib tothe Olympic Gams. Unumbrd peole wt t e Olymicvolunteers, u thy haeoportunties. am so luky at am agradate, an hv oportuniy to work fo Olympi. hear tells e t cnnot ose thsGat oportnity. have geogphica conitns taI live n Bjin and suy in Bijing. I hve o reason to gie u this porunyto beOympi volunter.Furtermore, I canlearn an get eercein many espects, forexamle, my lagaesils, cuicationskls, aociatin klls d ility to deal wih mattr ofsuddn ugn. Of ase I may haveopounit to ee my dre por ta h areXXX,XXX an XXX All inall, ti xpriene has reatilenceo m fue lfe ad I hav a lot f cnfdence.
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