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重点词组归纳1. have in common和有相同的特点2. Its obvious that显然3. prefere to rather than do宁愿做做而不愿意做4. get over 克服 get though 度过5. get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事6. so +adj+that如此以至于 compare to把.比作.7. a variety of各种各样的 differ from 与不同8. differ with与某人意见不同 instead of代替、而不是9. rather than而不是 in the place of在位置10. apart from除.之外 be similar to与相似 11. have difficulty (in)doing something做某事有困难12. more than多于,不只,仅仅,非常,十分 13. no more than 不仅仅 morethan与其说,不如说14. other than 除了 lead to 导致 stick to 坚持15. pay attention to 注意 be addicated to 沉溺于16. according to按照,根据 be opposed to 反对17. devote onself to 献身于,专心于 18. get used to 习惯于 get down to 认真处理19. keep up with 保持 catch up with 提出 20. look forward to 期望,期待。若后接动词则接动词的ing形式21. come out of从中出来,有什么的结果Come out出来、出版;结果是,结局是Come round 到这儿来、到来Come though经历 come to 加起来总共有Come along 发生,偶然出现,到达,出现Come round恢复知觉,苏醒过来,改变主意,回心转意22. come across遇见 care about 关心 focus on/upon集中注 意力look for寻找 23. 下面是有关come的短语24. set up 设置,建立 bring up 抚养,提出。Look up 查阅25. wear off逐渐消失,逐渐减弱,消失,磨损,损耗26. wear out 筋疲力尽,穿旧,用尽kick out解雇、开除27. hand out 分发 put out 熄灭、扑灭get on 上车28. get off下车 get across被理解、越过 get away with侥幸逃脱carry out开展,实施 carry on 继续find out查找出29. point out指出 belong to 属于。无被动语态、无动词ing形式。In favour of 支持 in terms of就.而言in paise of表扬、赞扬occur to 突然想到 appeal to 吸引refer to 查阅30. in spite of尽管 be satisfied with 对满意in all directions四面八方offer sb sth/offer sth to sb向某人提供某物be particular about对挑剔in short 简而言之31. on one side一方面,on the other hand另一方面。On average平均。a number of 许多a quantity of 许多in respect of关于,就来说。With respect to不管,不考虑32. pass by 经过 takefor granted认为理所当然的33. volunteer to do自愿做have an effect on.对.产生影响34. take over 接管earn ones living谋生apply for 申请35. apply to把什么适用full -time post全职工作36. in response to作为的回应in honor of 纪念.37. suffer from 遭遇open up 开放38. put down放下 pour down 倾盆而降 turn down调小、拒绝 let down使沮丧(情绪低落)39. be curious about.对.好奇have enough of对.厌烦透了40. persuade sb into 说服某人 give up 放弃41. play a trick on戏弄 fill up 填充42. draw up 起草、制定as if/though好像43. warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事44. with the exception of 除.之外45. remind.of使某人想起determine to do sth 决定做某事46. set off出发,动身close down 关闭 call off取消47. force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事48. in confusion 混乱dress up 打扮49. as time pasted随着时间的推移50. as soon as 一就 as a result 结果51. on end 连续地pretend not to do sth 假装没有做某事52. date back to=date from追溯到53. come about 发生 come out开花、显示、出版、露出54. come to an end 完结55. put up with 忍受 end up with 以结束56. end in 以.告终57. cosist of 由构成58. give away 赠送,泄露,颁发 give out放出气味 give back 归还 59. give in 屈服 give way to 让步,让路60. wash down 冲下,冲洗61. walk off散步消食62. mark down 记下63. retire from从辞职64. on the increase在增加65. on leave 在休假 on sale在销售on business因公办差66. on duty 在值日 on strike在罢工67. have the andvange of 有优势68. get/win/gain/have andvantages over 比.占优势69. take andvange of利用70. its up to you 你定吧71. up to date最新的72. happen to 碰巧73. vote for 为投票 其反义词是vote against74. account for 解释 call for需求,邀请75. after all毕竟,终究76. above all最重要的是 in all 总之at all根本77. so what ?那又怎么样呢?what if?要是怎么样,要是.又怎么样78. get to ones feet=raise to ones feet站起身79. on ones feet 站着80. stand up 支持81. give ones life to do 为献出生命82. shelterfrom保护不受83. come into fashion开始流行起来了84. in fashion 流行的raid on sth 对.突击检查85. aim at 瞄准,对准,旨在86. its a wonder that奇怪的是87. its no wonder that 难怪88. be concerned about 关心某事,关心某人89. go in for 从事,参加,爱好、喜欢90. feed on 以.为食 feed with 喂养91. be supposed to 应该92. stand for 代表,象征,主张,支持,拥护93. stand out 突出 stand by 支持94. lie in 在于
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