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课程名称:Module1 Unit 3 Language in use.教学年级:初一课型:Review and expansion教材版本:外研版设计者:马红红授课时间:45分钟一、学情分析学生通过Unit1和Unit2的学习,基本掌了动词be的一般现在时的陈述和一般疑问形式;能用and来连接句子;能运用代词I、 my、 you、 your、 he、 his、 she、 her;能理解代词it、our的用法并运用。二、教材分析本模块以一般现在时中的简单句“主语+be动词”为主,重点是自我介绍,包括说话人的年龄、姓名、来自何地等;本单元主要通过习题及口头练习为主进行本模块的复习;本模块的Around the world部分将英美国家姓名的表达方式与我国的进行比较,帮助学生在中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识。三、教学目标1、语言知识、技能目标:a、能利用be动词作简单的自我介绍或询问对方个人信息。b、能读懂介绍中外姓名异同的简单文章。2、情感态度目标:a.提高学习英语的兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的习惯。b.在用英语交流中,更好地了解他人,结识新朋友。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。3、学习策略目标: 通过自主探究学习、合作交流和交际过程中学习英语,掌握作自我介绍的表达方式,结识新朋友,形式一个学习的集体,互相帮助。四、教学策略本课型为Review and expansion, 根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,运用小组合作、阅读、写作等方法创设教学情景,用“导”“引”方式去调动学生积极参与,让学生自主探究学习、合作交流,使学生在愉快的氛围中达到学习目标。本节课所需教具及资料:图片、多媒体等。1、 通过引导学生对本单元内容进行复习,通过复习总结语法。2、 通过展示有关人物的图片,运用所学词汇让学生尽可能用英语描述图片,培养学生的语言运用能力。3、 通过小组对话活动来完成任务,达到训练口语的目的。4、 通过写作,提高运用所学知识,同时在运用过程中发展语言的能力。五、教学过程教师活动Step 1 Warming-up1. Revise Unit1 and Unit2 by asking the Ss what they have learnt.2. Summarize the use of “be”, and how to give personal information.Step 2 Language practice1. Ask the Ss to look at the information about Sam, then introduce the other two Ss.2. Call back the answers from individual Ss.3. Show the answers on the slide and ask the Ss to read the sentences together.4. Ask the Ss to look at the pictures in A1, and complete the sentences in A2.5. Ask the class to call back the answers as complete sentences.6. Get the Ss read the sentences together.7. Ask the Ss to complete the conversation in A3.8. Ask the Ss to check the answers with their partners.9. Call back the answers from the whole class.10. Ask the Ss to work in pairs to practice the conversation.11. Let the Ss read the conversation together.12. Ask the Ss to read the words, work in pairs and fill in the table in A4.13. Call back the answers from the whole class.Step3 Around the world1.Ask the students to look at the names and the pictures.2.Talk about how the names work in both cultures.Step 4 Module task1. Ask the students about themselves and tell them to listen to the questions.2. Model the questions and have the Ss ask each other in open pairs.3. Call back the answers by having the Ss ask each other across the room.Step 6 HomeworkWrite a composition about introducing a friend.学生活动Sum up the grammar of this module.1)Introduce the other two Ss2)Individual Ss show the answers.1)Complete the sentences in A2.2)Show the answers.3)Read the sentences.1)Complete the conversation in A3.2)Check the answers with their partners.3)Show the answers.4)Work in pairs to practice the conversation.5)Fill in the table in A4.6)Show the answers.1)Look at the names and the pictures.2)Talk about how the names work in both cultures.1) Answer the questions and then have the Ss ask each other in open pairs. 2) Show the answers . Write a composition individually .设计意图通过让学生说出本模块的语法知识,调动学生的学习积极性并了解学生的学习情况。通过个人自主完成练习、小组合作进行对话练习及完成习题,巩固本模块重要语法的运用,提高自学能力及小组团结互助能力。介绍了中英文中姓与名顺序的不同,让学生了解并比较中西方文化。让学生能够向同学作自我介绍,能够听懂别人的自我介绍,能够询问对方的个人信息。检查学生是否能准确运用本模块所学知识进行对他人的介绍。
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