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典题精讲根据短文判断句子正(T)误( F )。A member of an average(普通)British family watches 22 hours of television a week. A person living alone watches even more than that36 hours.Soap operas(肥皂剧)are by far the most popular programmes_on British TV. They are more popular with women than men. However,it is estimated(估计)that one in eight people watches soap operas in secret(most of them are men).British soap operas are more realistic(现实主义的) and less glamorous(富有魅力的)than American ones. American “soaps” description good-looking,successful,and super-rich people. However,people in British soaps are much poorer,more ordinary and less attractive. On British TV,there is a rule that the most violent(暴力的)programmes can only be shown after nine oclock. In fact opinion polls think that viewers would prefer to see less violence on TV altogether.The most common reason given by young people under 20 for watching television(two thirds,in fact)is that it gives them something to do.It is twice as likely to be the woman in the house rather_ than the man who controls which channel they watch.A third of viewers said they would prefer to see fewer programmes on sporttwo thirds of these were women.The attitude of many young people towards commercials(商业的) on TV is “the more, the better”. 38 are in favour of more rather than fewer commercials and a quarter of young people would rather watch the commercials than the programmes(because they think they are better). More than 50 of them stay to watch the ads during the commercial breaks as compared to fewer than 30 of adults. With the coming of satellite and cable TV,the choice of channels and programmes is becoming wider and wider. But over a third of British people think that the more programmes there are,the worse they will be and over a half say they would rather have a choice of only four channels.1.People who live on their own watch more television than people who live in a family. 2.Soap operas are the most popular programmes on British television. 3.Most British soap operas are about rich,good-looking people. 4.Violent programmes are only shown after midnight. 5.More than half the viewers in Britain think there is too much sport on TV. 思路解析:1.T根据文章第一段,一个普通的英国家庭成员看电视每周不少于22小时,而独居的英国人则平均每周看36小时电视。说明英国人大都喜欢看电视,以看电视为主的人比以家庭生活为主的人要多。2.T根据第二段“Soap operas are by far the most popular programmes on British TV. ”可以断定,肥皂剧是英国最受欢迎的电视节目。3.F由第三段“ However,people in British soaps are much poorer,more ordinary and less attractive. ”可知,英国的肥皂剧中的角色不像美国的肥皂剧,一般都普通、贫穷并缺少吸引力。 4.F根据第三段 “. . . there is a rule that the most violent_programmes can only be shown after nine oclock. ”可知,英国有一个规则,暴力节目一般在九点钟之后。5.F本文没有直接提及体育节目的多少,在第六段指出,三分之一的观众们指出,他们宁愿看一些少量的体育节目。黑色陷阱:判断题1, 容易在理解上出现误区, 原文中live alone“是一个人住”,每周看电视超过36小时, 而在判断题中, 换成了people who live on their own的描述, 其实是一样的。判断题3, 容易让学生在比较级的理解上误入歧途, 原文中much poorer,more ordinary and less attractive都是在和美国的肥皂剧比较, 而rich,good-looking则是对美国的肥皂剧的正确描述,应该仔细弄清所描述的主题。绿色通道:在英语阅读中, 解决主题思想的问题,通常与解决主题的问题紧密相连,它通常是通过主题句来体现的。不少文章在全文或各段的开头便已展示出文章的主题,让人一目了然。但也有许多文章,其中心思想常常贯穿于全文,没有直接用语言表达出来,我们就要根据短文的内容进行归纳整理。若不易归纳,可以分别找出每段的主题句或每段所表达的主要内容。巧学园地比较等级用法歌诀两者相比用比较,三者以上用最高。两者若是一个样,as. . . as 要用上。甲不如乙加not,意与less than差不多 。程度递增“越来越”,比较用 and来连接。两种情况同时变,The more. . . , the better. . . 是样板。
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