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PET习语,短语,固定搭配答案1. be able to do / can 能够2. be unable to do 不能够3. go abroad 出国4. internet access 互联网接用,互联网使用5. according to 根据6. achieve success 取得成功7. take action 采取行动8. actually/ in fact 事实上9. in addition/ additionally 另外,额外的10. at the cost of 以。样的价钱11. adventure / take a risk 冒险12. can/cant afford to do (动词原形) 能负担的起,/ 不能负担的起13. agree with sb. 同意某人14. go ahead 直走,继续15. aim at 目标,瞄准16. alarm clock 闹钟17. music album 音乐专辑18. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事19. stay alone 独自呆着20. feel lonely 感觉孤独21. even though/ even if/ in spite of / despite 尽管,即使22. large amount of / a number of 大量的,很多23. get annoyed 恼怒的24. be anxious about 对。担忧25. apart from/ except for 除了26. apply for 申请27. argue about sth. 争论。28. arrange for 安排。29. arrive at/in someplace 到达某地get to somplace 到达某地reach someplace 到达某地30. as well 也31. as well as 也32. be ashamed of 对。感到羞愧33. no longer 不再34. at first 起初35. at last/ finally 最后36. at least 至少37. at once 马上,立即38. at present 目前39. at the same time 同时40. not .at all 根本不41. make an attempt/ try 尝试42. wake up 醒来43. keep balance 保持平衡44. be based on 以。为基础45. believe in 相信46. belong to 属于47. benefit from 从。中受益48. pay bill 付账49. rubbish bin 垃圾桶50. a bit of 一点。51. blame for 责备52. on board 在(飞机,轮船,火车)上53. boarding pass 登机牌54. make a reservation 预定55. be born in + 年 出生在。年56. both.of. 两者都。57. all of . 三者或以上都。58. at the bottom 在底部59. break down 出故障60. break up 解散61. bring up 养育62. grow up 成长63. by accident 偶然地64. by hand 手工65. by mistake 错误地,66. by name 按照姓氏67. call for sb./ visit 拜访68. calm down 静下来69. carry out 执行70. identity card (ID card ) 身份证71. take care of/ look after 照顾,照看72. carry on/ keep on doing sth. 继续做。73. have chance to do sth. 有机会做。74. have an opportunity to do sth. 有机会做。75. chat with sb. 和。聊天76. check in 登记入住77. check out 结账78. come down/ on sale 下降79. come on 快点80. communicate with sb. 与。交流81. compete with sb. 与。竞争82. complain about sth. 抱怨某事83. in good condition 状况良好84. focus on/ concentrate on 关注,全神贯注85. consist of . 由。组成 86. a couple of . 几个87. main course. 主菜88. tennis court 网球场89. football field 足球场90. make history 创造历史,载入史册91. cross out 划掉92. be curious about. 对。好奇93. customs officer 海关官员94. cut up 切95. decide to do sth. 决定去做96. depend on 依靠。97. pay a deposit 付押金98. in detail 具体的99. develop a habit 培养习惯100. be different from 与。不同101. Its difficult to do sth. 做。很难sensible to do sth. 做。是明智的hard to do sth. 做。是很难得possible to do sth. 做。是可能的impossible to do sth. 做。是不可能的102. hard disk 硬盘103. on display 展示104. be divided into 被分成。105. go downstairs 去楼下106. driving licence 驾照107. due to 由于,因为108. make an effort 努力。109. either.or. 两者之一,要么。要么。110. neither.nor. 两者都不111. enter/come into 进入,参加112. for example 比如,例如113. such as 比如114. in exchange for 交换115. exchange rate 汇率116. expect to do sth. 期待。去做。117. expect sb. to do sth. 期待某日去做。118. extremely(very) good 非常好119. be familiar with 对。熟悉120. be famous for 以。著名121. be fascinated by 被。所着迷122. feel like 想要123. fill in 填入124. fill up 填饱(肚子)125. film maker 电影制片人 126. find out 发现,找出127. first of all 首先128. keep fit/ healthy 保持健康129. flight attendant 飞行服务员130. the following day/ following year 第二天, 第二年 131. be keen on/ be fond of 喜欢,热爱132. be interested in . 对。感兴趣133. weather forecast/ weather report 天气预报134. full time job 全职工作135. part time job 监制工作136. further information 近一步信息137. in future 在将来138. in general 大体上139. gain experience 获得经验140. get along with 和。相处 get well along with sb. 和。相处很好141. do experiment 做实验142. do good to . 对。有益143. do ones (his, her their) best. 尽力。144. make progress 取得进步145. get off. 下车146. take off. 起飞, 脱掉衣服147. get rid of . 去除,去掉148. give back/ return 回来149. give up 放弃150. global warming 全球变暖151. go out 出来。 If you dont get out, Ill call the police. 152. go with/ match 匹配153. hand in 上交154. hand out 发下去155. deal with /handle 处理156. hand out 发下去157. hand up a phone call 挂掉电话 eg: If you have no other business, you mayhangupthe phone.158. happen/ take place 发生159. in the heart of 在。的中心160. hold up/ delay 延迟,延误161. in a hurry 匆忙162. in advance 提前
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